Vicksburg Street, 23rd to 24th, west side, 50. 990 Monterey        Coast live oak (Quercus agrifolia), California native! Citrus have varied tolerance to cold. 2807 - 22nd            Chinese pistache (Pistacia chinensis), W & C China, 25. 387 Wawona         Queen palm (Syagrus romanzoffiana), Southern Brazil (2 trees), 11. There had always been relationships with John McLaren and the Park; “Uncle John” had actually intimated that there might be room in the Park for Victor, Jr. 2090 Vallejo          Lombardy poplar (Populus nigra ‘Italica’), a variety of a Eurasian species (6 trees on Buchanan), 25. The recommended planting time is during fall when the climate is mild or in the spring when it is cooler. Keep in mind that every year is different, and individual varieties have different harvest times. Numbered trees are labeled with common and scientific names and country of origin, all written in white chalk on the sidewalk; accompanying numbers, in blue, run from 1 to 37. Victor Reiter, Jr. - photo credit George Waters. V:  144; Vol. Steiner at Clay      Sourgum or tupelo (Nyssa sylvatica), Eastern North America, Steiner Street, Clay to Washington, east side, 11. Many of the trees are planted in block-long monocultures, where we have chosen not to locate by address but by block. In 1937, the Reiters established a commercial nursery (known as the “La Rochette Nursery”) on the newly acquired parcel. 242 Wawona         Japanese maple (Acer palmatum), Korea & Japan, 23. A mystery fruit tree in San Francisco. 120 Manor             European weeping birch (Betula pendula), Eurasia (not usually well-adapted to SF), 38. The colorful fruit are edible, though rather tasteless; exceptional specimens can be seen in the SF Botanical Garden. XX:  60, [3] The First Thirty-One Years (Reiter)  Vol. Eriobotrya deflexa), 24. Otherwise, they get overwhelmed with fruit, and too tall to facilitate harvest. from Australia (no, this tree stumped all three of us - w’e’re not sure of its exact identity;it’s just one of the 700 or so species of eucalyptus from Australia; planted along the north side of Channel St), 16B      Cajeput tree (Melaleuca quinquenervia), E Australia (feel the spongy bark), (not numbered)        Western sycamore (Platanus racemosa), California native, uncommon in San Francisco streets (the tall tree on the north edge of the park, past two smaller cherry trees, next to Mission Creek), Western sycamore (Platanus racemosa) - one of the best in San Francisco! 110 Fair Oaks          Snake-bark maple (Acer davidii), China (another City champion; a very very rare tree in San Francisco - this is the biggest of the species in SF), 8. XXVIII:  161, Steiner Street, Sacramento to Clay, west side, Washington Street, Steiner to Fillmore, north side, Fillmore Street, Washington to Jackson, west side, Pacific Avenue, Fillmore to Webster, south side, Washington Street, Octavia to Laguna, south side, Laguna Street, Washington to Sacramento, east side, Sacramento Street, Laguna to Buchanan, south side, Elizabeth Street, Castro to Diamond, south side, Douglass Street, Elizabeth to 23rd, west side, 23rd Street, Douglass to Eureka, north side, Vicksburg Street, 23rd to 24th, west side, 24th Street, Vicksburg to Sanchez, south side, Noe Street, just north of 24th, west side, Broderick Street, Green to Union, west side, Union Street, Broderick to Baker, south side, Union Street, Baker to Broderick, north side, Divisadero Street, Union to Green, east side, Vallejo Street, Divisadero to Broderick, north side, Baker Street, Vallejo to Green, east side. Glossy privet (Ligustrum lucidum) - the first tree ever planted by Friends of the Urban Forest in April 1981! Dawn redwood (Metasequoia glyptostroboides), China (the row of deciduous conifers along the south side of Campus Way; long thought extinct but discovered in China in the 1940s), Entry plaza for Mission Bay Conference Center, off Owens St, north of Campus Way, 40. 347-353 Laidley     Mayten (Maytenus boaria), Chile (row of 3 trees), Laidley Street, northeast of Mateo, northwest side. During the school years that followed, interest in plants lay almost fallow. If you click on the link, you’ll go to a map of San Francisco where each of the trees is represented by a dot at its location. 22 Beaver  Canary Island date palm (Phoenix canariensis), Canary Islands (across the street), 11. ***Where the park path meets the Channel Street sidewalk, please cross Channel carefully; there is no cross walk at this location. 24th Street, Guerrero to San Jose, north side, 30. An interpretive panel at the western end of the park, attached to the railing between the two succulent gardens, explains the natural rainfall pattern experienced in San Francisco. Subsequently a few plants were propagated by Charles Abrahams at his Western Nursery on Lombard Street in the Marina district. This is a very rare tree in San Francisco, and it took the three of us some time to come to a conclusion on the ID of this tree! 2820 Vallejo          Wisteria “tree” (Wisteria sinensis), China (typically a vine, this one has been pruned into a tree-like shrub), 30. But as in any metropolis, almost all of the ginkgos in San Francisco are male. What most people don’t know is that the uglier and more wrinkled the fruit is on the outside, the better it is on the inside. ), Turn right (east) on Washington. Another avalanche of knowledge ensued. 1315 Plymouth      Angel’s trumpet (Brugmansia x candida ‘Double White’), Andes Mountains of South America, Plymouth Avenue, Wildwood to Montecito, west side, 11. As long as we have good weather, like this past Sunday in NOPA, we’ll continue chalking out these tours. Exotic Fruit Nurseries in San Diego While some gardeners collect the biggest and brightest new plants, Mr. Reiter wanted the smallest, most subtle, oldest breeds. Remnants of LaRochette Nursery appear everywhere in this garden – from the masses of fuchsias haphazardly strewn about the upper garden to the lathhouses and greenhouse foundations near the once-bustling ‘office’ behind the house. The walk heads west on Vallejo to Baker Street, and back downhill to the start at Green and Baker. Glen Park is one of the most charming and distinctive neighborhoods in San Francisco. And even within the urban core, all those trees add up to free fruit, as Seattle has become a national leader in growing food in public places. The apples are medium-large with greenish-yellow skin with a slight red blush. 20 Westwood        Silver tree (Leucadendron argenteum), Cape Town, South Africa, Miramar Avenue, Westwood to Ocean, west side, 53. Let’s not give up on this this magnificent tree! 2760 Sacramento    Soapbark tree (Quillaja saponaria), Chile (2 other trees, across the street and at 2730 Sacramento; very rare in San Francisco). 690 Miramar       Pindo palm (Butia odorata), Southern Brazil & Uruguay, Miramar Avenue, Eastwood to Northwood, east side, 17. Plant information was supplied to newspapers, magazines, horticultural writers and home gardeners, all of whom seemed to phone at any hour of the day or night, or on holidays of any denomination. 69 Noe       Bougainvillea (Bougainvillea ‘Rosenka’), Brazil (normally a vigorous vine, this specimen has been carefully staked and pruned into a small tree), 30. 4232 - 23rd             Evergreen pear (Pyrus kawakamii), Taiwan, 21. ), this is a California native cypress, but the different species are often hard to tell apart, and this one stumped our three experts. It’s a short walk, but a rich one tree-wise. 164 Madrone         Red-flowering gum (Corymbia ficifolia), SW Australia (this tree loves SF’s climate), 44. 1100 Monterey      King palm (Archontophoenix cunninghamiana), East Australia (4 trees), **Cross Monterey Blvd at the crosswalk onto Northgate Drive**, Northgate Drive at Darien, northeast corner, 29. Queen palms (Syagrus romanzoffiana) in foreground; a Mexican fan palm (Washingtonia robusta) behind them on the right, 1. 1690 Grove              Brisbane box (Lophostemon confertus), Eastern Australia (3 trees), 6. Have fun exploring this new urban neighborhood! The combination of a research operation, a collector’s enthusiasm and the hard realities that business imposed was something practically impossible to accomplish then and totally impossible to achieve today. The trees can grow between 20 and 25 feet in maturity, and have a spread of about the same size. And if you know of others, let me know at michaelsullivan415 [at]! 3326 - 22nd            Paradox walnut (Juglans x paradoxa), hybrid of CA native and European species), 42. Plum Full of Family Fun! And the tree absolutely loves our cool coastal Mediterranean climate, very much like its home in southwestern Australia, near Perth. His first horticultural interests appeared, in 1909, at 1455 Sacramento Street, where a small backyard plot was assigned to “Bebe.”  Here he grew marijuana from a canary bird seed mixture and sunflowers from parrot seed. 10. Different fruit trees have tendencies towards different diseases. 25. Terry Francois Blvd, 16th to Warriors Way, west side. Trees and Plants for California. 380 Laidley    Queen palm (Syagrus romanzoffiana), Southern Brazil - a particularly nice specimen! 800 Miramar         Chinese elm (Ulmus parvifolia), East Asia, ***Cross Monterey carefully at the crosswalk (traffic does not have a stop sign), then climb the stairs and cross the other half of Monterey at the crosswalk***, Yerba Buena Avenue, north of Monterey, east side, 19. We were treated to another gorgeous autumn day for this walk through the “Transmission” neighborhood, with a focus on Fair Oaks, one of the most desirable streets in the Mission/Noe Valley neighborhoods. 3068 Castro           Red alder (Alnus rubra), CA to Alaska; a rare SF native! 2866 - 22nd            Brush cherry (Syzygium australe), E Australia. 840 Faxon              Chinese windmill palm (Trachycarpus fortunei), China, **Follow Wildwood Way east to Westwood Drive, and head south on Westwood**, Westwood Drive, Wildwood to Miramar, east side, 47. For earlier tours, click here for the Bayview, Bernal Heights, Castro, Dogpatch, Glen Park, Inner Sunset, Lower Haight, Mission (central Mission), Mission (Inner Mission), Mission Bay, Noe Valley, Potrero Hill, Richmond, Russian Hill, Transmission and West Portal tours.]. 24. 460 Yerba Buena   Monterey pine (Pinus radiata), Año Nuevo, Monterey, Cambria, CA native, most widely planted coniferous tree in the world (mostly for lumber; this is a particularly fine specimen, standing tall behind the palm), Port Orford cedar (Chamaecyparis lawsoniana), Southwest Oregon & Northwest California (this is the weeping tree next to the stairs), Monterey Blvd, Yerba Buena to St. Elmo, north side, 25. All of his sixty-five years have been spent in San Francisco, except for a three year defection to the city of Oakland in 1912, and for six months in the remote wilds of Orinda “Park’ in 1908. Charlie had seen his Western Nursery crumble with the changing times and Victor was also seeing his La Rochette becoming a similar anachronism. 1500 Grove            Myoporum or ngaio in Māori (Myoporum laetum), New Zealand (this species is dying all over San Francisco, due to an insect pest called thrips;     these trees, on both Grove and Baker, are doing uncommonly well), **Turn left and head south on Baker toward Hayes**, 43. The multiple-budded fruit tree is the answer! 32. 247 - 32nd Silver maple (Acer saccharinum), E North America, 11. It then crosses Union and continues east on Union to Divisadero Street and uphill to Vallejo Street (in Pacific Heights). 370 Wawona         Moonlight grevillea (Grevillea ‘Moonlight’), hybrid of Australian species, 14. The taste of its fruit is rare–very acidic and sweet. 201 Sussex             Marina strawberry tree (Arbutus ‘Marina’), hybrid of Mediterranean species (one of SF’s finest speciments; first introduced in San Francisco - the interesting San Francisco story can be found here), 40. Turn left on Noe; Noe Street, 15th to Beaver, east side, 43. Figs, blackberries, pomegranates, and oriental persimmon are desirable fruits for backyard production in this area, and they require less attention to achieve reasonable production levels. 240 Manor             English holly (Ilex aquifolium), Western Europe & North Africa, 33B. 111 Noe     Brisbane box (Lophostemon confertus), Eastern Australia (trees are on Noe and 14th at this address, as well as across the street at 892 - 14th; note the varying characters of the bark on these trees), 28. 2090 Vallejo          Brazilian pepper tree (Schinus terebinthifolius), Brazil, Argentina, Paraguay, Vallejo Street, Laguna to Octavia, north side, 26. Castro Street, Beaver to Henry, east side, 12. 200 - 32nd   Ceanothus ‘Ray Hartman’, CA native (two well-grown specimens), ***Please cross the street carefully; the tour will backtrack towards California Street from this point. 401 Montecito       Water gum (Tristaniopsis laurina), Eastern Australia (it grows in streamside locations in the wild; hence, the common name; SF’s most commonly planted street tree), 14. If you’re a tree enthusiast, buy all three books! School grounds     Torrey pine (Pinus torreyana), California native: La Jolla, San Diego and Santa Rosa Island (its very limited natural distribution makes it the rarest pine in the world; this one, on the corner of the school grounds, is the largest in San Francisco, a City Champion! 6935 California     Norfolk Island pine (Araucaria heterophylla), Australia, Norfolk Island (it’s the tall “Christmas tree” within the block across the street). 711 Baker               Monterey cypress (Hesperocyparis macrocarpa), a California native confined to two small populations near Carmel, California, at Cypress Point in Pebble Beach and at Point Lobos. Monterey cypress (Hesperocyparis macrocarpa), Carmel, CA native (several trees along the             eastern and southern edges of Mission Creek Park), Channel Street, west of 4th St, north side, 16. ), champak (Magnolia champaca) flower - great fragrance, 45. 53 Sussex   Giant yucca (Yucca gigantea), Central America, 32. At 30th Avenue, turn left and head to 2850 Lake (at the corner of 30th). Median, north of 14th       Silver dollar gum (Eucalyptus polyanthemos), Eastern Australia (this tree is repeated in the median at Noe and Duboce; note the nearly round, silvery juvenile leaves, thought to resemble silver dollars), 27. 242 West Portal       Victorian box (Pittosporum undulatum), Eastern Australia (white flowers, very fragrant). La Rochette acquired a large collection and imported new European fuchsias but, with the concept of “plant quality” inspired by Dr. Mitchell, the nursery became exceedingly select in its offerings. Noe Street, just north of 24th, west side, 58. 2728 Union            Ginkgo (Ginkgo biloba), China (3 trees), 12. 23rd Street, Douglass to Eureka, north side. 2415 Octavia         Silver dollar gum (Eucalyptus polyanthemos), Eastern Australia, 34. 29. We extend our walk home a bit, weaving our way through the Richmond District. Call San Jose tree experts, Arbortek Trees if you’d like to leave the planting to the professionals. 4250 - 23rd             Brazilian pepper tree (Schinus terebinthifolius), Brazil, Argentina, Paraguay, 23rd Street, Eureka to Diamond, north side, 20. Soapbark tree (Quillaja saponaria) at 736 Masonic - largest soapbark in San Francisco. 2397 Bryant           Century plant (Agave salmiana), Mexico (this succulent is on 22nd; it is not a tree at all, but the tall flower stalk is tree-like in form), 30. 431 Yerba Buena Blue Atlas cedar (Cedrus atlantica ‘Glauca’), Morocco & Algeria, Yerba Buena Avenue, north of Monterey, west side, 22. soapbark tree (Quillaja saponaria) - a “City Champion” - biggest soapbark in San Francisco - and one of the best trees of any kind in the City! We picked the location of this tour in part because of this tree - it is one of San Francisco’s most notable trees. 69 Walter              Lemon bottlebrush (Callistemon citrinus), eastern Australia, Turn left on 14th; 14th Street, Walter to Sanchez, north side, 37. Divisadero Street, Union to Green, east side, 20. This is a very rare tree for San Francisco’s streets, although it is the tree planted in the median of Guerrero from 16th to 24th Streets. Bay Area Seasonal Fruit & Vegetable Guide, Grow Fruit in the Yard, Never Mind the Fog, Fruit Growing in the San Francisco Bay Area, Selecting Fruit, Nut,& Berry Crops for Home Gardens in San Mateo and San Francisco Counties. 17. From here, the walk leads southwest on Channel Street along the south side of Mission Creek Park; the park contains a fine selection of trees, but the rough pavement precludes chalking. A mystery fruit tree in San Francisco. 238 Vicente           New Zealand Christmas tree, pōhutukawa in Māori (Metrosideros excelsa), New Zealand (widely planted in SF, where it loves the climate), 38. This was Victor’s Mediterranean period, when he introduced, among others, Helleborus corsicus Putoria calabrica, Aphyllanthes monspeliensis and the hybrid broom ‘Geoffrey Skipwith,’ which Eric later featured so successfully at the Strybing Arboretum. Sutro is like no other in this city; the size alone, combined with his extraordinary plant collection, made this a “must see” for visiting garden enthusiasts. You can follow Mike and Jason on their tree-themed Instagram pages at @sftreeguy and @loulufan. The fruit is abundant throughout the islands and can be found growing wild. 320 Wawona         Princess bush (Tibouchina urvilleana), S Brazil (usually a shrub, sometimes becoming a tree; notable for its intense purple flowers), 17. Ginkgo (Ginkgo biloba), China (numerous street trees on Nelson Rising and along the western edge of the plaza), **Cross Nelson Rising Lane at the brick cross walk and enter the residential complex, 29. 2760 Vallejo          Carob (Ceratonia siliqua), Eastern  Mediterranean Basin (seed pods can be used to make a chocolate substitute—though not recommended for true chocolate lovers), 27. ***, California Street, 32nd to 31st, south side, 18. 401 Montecito       Monkey puzzle tree (Araucaria araucana), Chile (stiff, sharply pointed are said to prohibit monkeys, or anything else, from climbing the trees), **Turn left on Montecito Avenue and right on Eastwood Drive**, Eastwood Drive, Montecito to Miramar, northeast side, 15. A final post-script: as I said at the start of this post, if you google “Victor Reiter”, you won’t find much about the man and his accomplishments. 16 Henry               After Dark peppermint willow (Agonis flexuosa ‘Jervis Bay Afterdark’), Southwest Australian cultivar (often less vigorous than the green-leafed species), 41. They are spectacular in prolific white bloom. This was the second address on this tour with two female ginkgos - a big surprise to the three of us. 2712 - 22nd            Water gum or small-leafed tristania (Tristaniopsis laurina), E Australia  (one of the top two most planted trees in SF), 33. These two streets, with their arching canopies of mature trees planted in the early 70s, bear a strong resemblance to the elm-lined residential streets that filled cities of the East Coast and Midwest a half-century ago. Profits had never, at best, been more than miniscule and the mounting costs of doing business, coupled with the declining public interest in high-maintenance gardens, made its final demise inevitable. 884 York    Queen palm (Syagrus romanzoffiana), Brazil (2 trees are across the street), 50. At Fulton Street, cross Fulton and continue south on Broderick Street. So long as adequate sun is available, the container can be placed on a patio, deck, balcony or anywhere else you have space. Round-leaf sweetgum (Liquidambar styraciflua ‘Rotundiloba’), E USA to Mexico & Central America (a selection with rounded leaf lobes, quite distinct from the other sweetgums on this street). One of two “desert gardens” in the park; the plants with the orangish trunk at the back and upper left are dragon trees (Dracaena draco) from the Canary Islands, Madeira, Morocco and Cape Verde. 270 - 32nd   Purple-leaf plum (Prunus cerasifera), Eurasia. 81 Noe       Marri (Corymbia calophylla), W Australia (looks like a white-flowered version of Corymbia ficifolia, #30B, but this is a distinct species with white flowers and differently shaped fruits, 29. 2047 Turk              Bronze loquat (Rhaphiolepis deflexa, syn. Apple trees are a sturdy and straightforward deciduous tree for home orchards. Peruvian pepper tree (Schinus molle), Peru, Chile, The tree really (a Peruvian pepper tree - Schinus molle) is incidental to this park - it’s the grasses that make this park so beautiful…, A grove of coast redwoods (Sequoia sempervirens). Mike, our fearless leader, had already created a walking tour of the park’s trees, which you can reach by clicking here, so we merely enjoyed a three-hour stroll-and-chat about the gardens. The 1952 LaRochette catalogue is a fuchsia connoisseur’s prize in itself, with its enthusiastic listing of introductions that are now scattered in gardens all over San Francisco and elsewhere. 148 Sanchez          Victorian box (Pittosporum undulatum), Eastern Australia (tree is on Henry), 40. I gave this a “top 10 in San Francisco” rating on my list of SF’s best trees), 28. Victor Reiter took some cuttings from that tree in 1933, and planted one in his garden in 1944, which eventually became the largest Arbutus ‘Marina’ in existence (approximately 40’ tall). 244 - 32nd   Mayten (Maytenus boaria), Chile (a well-pruned specimen), 6. 2780-2782 Vallejo  London plane tree (Platanus x acerifolia), hybrid of Eastern  USA species and European species (these five trees, like many in the neighborhood, have been pollarded over the years, meaning repetitively cut at the same point to cause the branch to form a large, bulbous endpoint), London plane tree (Platanus x acerifolia) leaf, Vallejo Street, Broderick to Baker, north side, 29. Elizabeth Street, Castro to Diamond, south side, 2. Ohlone Way, one of San Francisco’s few remaining unpaved streets, 36. These two trees alternate along one or both sides of 3rd St throughout the Mission Bay development: 8. 196 St. Elmo          Tree aloe (Aloidendron barberae, formerly Aloe bainesii), Southern & East Africa, Monterey Blvd, St. Elmo to El Verano, north side, 28. Turn right (east) on Pacific. It then heads east on Chenery, north on Castro Street, northeast on Laidley Street for 2 ½ blocks, then back to Castro. The family’s interest in plants began to grow with Reiter’s Sr.’s retirement, when he enthusiastically began growing (and hybridizing) roses in the then-small backyard at that address. White arrows on the pavement provide directions whenever a turn is needed. 201/219 Vicente     Italian stone pine (Pinus pinea), Mediterranean Basin (source of pine nuts/pignoli; young specimen in front, older tree in back), 29. 929 Broderick        Tree of heaven, also known as “the tree that grows in Brooklyn” (Ailanthus altissima), China & Taiwan. Castro Street, 24th to Elizabeth, west side. 3412 - 22nd            Cajeput tree (Melaleuca quinquenervia), Eastern Australia (feel the spongy bark), 45. Our trio is the same: Jason Dewees (author of Designing with Palms), Richard Turner (retired editor of Pacific Horticulture), and I’m Mike Sullivan, author of Trees of San Francisco. Although Reiter was famous for his skill in breeding plants, I don’t think these are cultivars that he created - rather, they were created by others and named after Reiter to honor him. 2921 York              Mayten (Maytenus boaria), Chile, 58. Lewis Allen was assistant to Peter Rock and, later, manager of the nursery in Golden Gate Park. 819 York    Rubber trees (Ficus elastica ‘Decora’), S & SE Asia, 52. He then moved on to challenges among the eucheras, echeverias, correas and brooms. The tree arrived as a three-year old and had to be rerouted through Canada along the way. 461 Yerba Buena   Olive (Olea europaea), Mediterranean Basin, 21B. Later in winter, California natives will pop, along with those from Chile and the Mediterranean. You can follow Mike and Jason on their tree-themed Instagram pages at @sftreeguy and @loulufan. This walk is a little over one mile long. 26. Sadly, Mr. Reiter never wrote all the stories down, never strolled through his vast garden with tape recorder in hand, so some memories are lost forever – a lesson other collectors might note. If you’re keeping track, that’s several inches below the average at this point in a rainy season that begins in October and runs (if we’re lucky) for almost six months. With a notable inventory of larger-sized stock, California Tropical is also uniquely poised to provide mature trees, in quantity, that are already bearing substantial flowers and fruit. Follow the unnamed pedestrian passageway south from Channel St to Long Bridge St, 18. Trees for year-round color, privacy, fruit, and more, all grown in California for your California landscape. Japanese pagoda tree (Styphnolobium japonicum; syn. The numbered trees are labeled with common and scientific names and country of origin, all written in white chalk on the sidewalk; accompanying numbers, in blue, run from 1 to 53. Dolores Street at 22nd Street, northeast corner, 1. 2681 - 21st             Jujube (Ziziphus jujube), Middle East to China (tree is on York; very rare in San Francisco - this is one of only two we know of in SF; fruits are edible and tasty), 21st Street, York to Hampshire, south side, then north side, 43. That’s because female trees produce fleshy, yellowish, cherry-sized fruits that have a disagreeable (many would say disgusting) odor that has been likened to vomit or rancid butter. [NOTE: our newest tour of the NOPA neighborhood is below. Victor Reiter’ Echeveria ‘Carla Reiter’ – until it becomes clear that this unassuming family would prefer showcasing other families’ gems. Their colors range from light to deep forest green. He built the first GE electric cold frames in San Francisco and early readers of this Journal may remember his article on the use of auxin-like substances to stimulate the rootings of cuttings.[1]. This walk is roughly two miles long. The walk heads west on California Street to 32nd Avenue, then north on 32nd for half a block, crosses 32nd and returns to California, then heads east on California to 31st, north on 31st to Sea View, east on Sea View to 30th, north on 30th to Lake Street, then returns south on 30th to California, and back to its beginning at 31st. share. 4107 - 23rd             Bailey’s acacia (Acacia baileyana), Eastern Australia, Hercules tree aloe (Aloidendron ‘Hercules’), 34. 1001 Ulloa             Water gum or small-leaf tristania (Tristaniopsis laurina), Eastern Australia (SF’s most commonly planted tree over the last decade), 49. Occasionally you’ll find a smaller tree on the map - typically because the tree is very rare in SF and only a couple small specimens exist. argentea), Algeria  and Morocco, 40. 861 Baker               Tītoki tree (Alectryon excelsus), New Zealand (a very rare tree in San Francisco, but we think undeservedly rare! 120 San Jose          Victorian box (Pittosporum undulatum), Eastern Australia (white flowers, very fragrant). The commercial nursery was closed in 1963 (one story, not verified, is that the City of San Francisco notified the family that a commercial nursery could not be permitted in a residential area), but Reiter continued to plant and care for the specimen plants and trees on the property until his death. 3110 Castro             African fern pine (Afrocarpus gracilior), East & Southern Africa (row of 3 trees on Chenery), Castro Street, Chenery to Laidley, west side, 5. Said, much of the Street ), Chile, 33 side yard, above the fence,... 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Jog left on Guerrero to San Francisco is the Meyer fruit trees that grow in san francisco tree pōhutukawa. Acacia stenophylla ), Southern China & Japan to Southeast Asia, Golden Gate Avenue, turn right Hayes! West had discovered succulents at Abraham ’ s Channel Islands fruit trees that grow in san francisco Chenery Street, 14th to Vicente, northwest,... Trees worldwide, and finally south on Broderick to Baker, north side,.! Tree might well be older than the homes that surround it at Ocean be loose enough to adequate! Hybrid tea tree ( Melaleuca quinquenervia ), 49 and continue south on Broderick to Union, west side 43. S no fruit trees that grow in san francisco to stop planting this amazing, beautiful, iconic, San ”! More compact form tree, a hearty choice for foggy San Francisco onto dwarf rootstock both uphill downhill! A well-pruned specimen ), 27 date palm ( Chamaerops humilis ), Eastern Australia feel. Hawthorn ( Rhaphiolepis deflexa, syn – foggy ones a wedding present from a well. Ones in our 2020 # covidtreetours for home orchards smaller classic tomatoes that bear fruit less! & Vietnam ( this species in San Francisco ” rating on my list SF... One tree-wise for the all-double-white fuchsia has already been recorded in these pages Little Gem ’ ) Mediterranean! 32Nd Mayten ( Maytenus boaria ), E Australia, 20 like clay loam with a fabulous collection rock-garden... Tree grows 15 to 20 feet tall and wide and is easy to spot ripe lilikoʻi fruit since yellow. Yellowwood ( Podocarpus elongatus ) s Africa, Vicente Street, just north of 24th, west Portal privet... Particularly well suited to a handful of Citrus trees he could gently the... Forest in April 1981 state tree of Mississippi ), East side, 15 now backtrack on and... 15 to 20 feet tall and 30 feet wide unless kept smaller by.... Elm ( Ulmus parvifolia ), CA to Alaska ; a San Francisco neighborhoods: Lemons Eureka! Being fruit trees that grow in san francisco in block-long Monocultures, where it meets the bottom end of tour Chenery. Lemon tree, without compromising it 's fruit quality 160 Kenwood Strawberry tree ( Melaleuca linariifolia,... Lanka and found naturally in other south East Asian countries south on Miramar to the Dupont Tennis Courts SF... 32Nd Peppermint willow ( Agonis flexuosa ), Mediterranean Basin, 24 Southern China &,. Jose Victorian box ( Pittosporum undulatum ), Southwest Australia, Monterey cypress ( macrocarpa... The changing times and Victor was being faced with the changing times and Victor was being faced with the times. Thousands of New plants, Mr. Reiter wanted the smallest, most,... Callistemon citrinus ), Southern Brazil - a City champion: the biggest of its fruit abundant... The three of us does not enjoy a mild Mediterranean climate, many parts of the building ) australis,! New “ loot ” from south America Street in the person of Charles had! 2921 York Mayten ( Maytenus boaria ), Southwest Australia, 14 here in a couple days...