. Lincoln declared war illegally ! Whatever other factors need to be considered in a complete analysis, the low level of demand in this plantation-based slave society was sufficient to retard the economic development of the South.” Despite slavery’s harmful effects on the South generally, no change to it was imminent because gerrymandering of state legislative districts, property requirements for voting, and the traditional political power structure of the South kept crucial political and governmental decision-making in the hands of the slaveholding elite, who individually were reaping large financial benefits from the practice. Southerners’ violent opposition to criticism of slavery may have betrayed their fear that the true nature of the institution would be revealed. Christopher Leslie Brown is professor of history at Columbia University, where he is also director of the Society of Fellows in the Humanities. You can rule out “racism caused slavery” because slavery has existed for thousands of years, and even African slavery in the New World was centuries old before anything like modern “racism” appeared. At that time, according to Charles Dew, the rental of slaves from their owners was “a very, very important part of the Virginia economy. It was brutalizing to white men—releasing sadism and cruelty in masters and breeding in the “common whites”savage hate for blacks in response to the “white trash” epithets they endured. How did the question of slavery cause growing tensions before the Civil War? As there was little probability of finding this within the Union, economics demanded that the slave-owner be an expansionist, for without a market slave prices must soon have declined.”. J. The abolition of slavery or meaningful reform was therefore unlikely. What is the connection among sectionalism, slavery, and states’ rights as causes of the Civil War? © Oxford University Press, 2018. The problem with Pros arguments is that he forgets that slavery was the cause of the cause of the cause of the cause of the civil war. J. Such burnings occurred throughout the South; two thousand slaves were compelled to attend one in Mississippi, and another in Alabama was justified by an editor as consistent with “the law of self-protection. Page’s tribute was a perfect example of what W. J. James and Lois Horton conclude that “by the late 1850s, the South seemed stronger than ever. (3 points) A. what problems did slavery cause in westward expansion? I think it told a more painful story than any I have ever heard, of the cruelty of slavery.”, During harvesting season on sugar plantations, slaves worked sixteen-to-eighteen-hour days, seven days a week. They worked cheerfully upon the fortifications and earth-works in sight of the enemy, and without thought of desertion. Cash pointed out that slavery rested on force: the lash, chains and shackles, hounds and pistols to chase runaways, and mutilations and brandings (reflected in runaway slave advertisements). The scope of undeveloped land on existing farms alone indicates that there was, as Woodman contends, room for expansion of slavery in the existing slave states. We have to look at the fact that slavery was a major resource. Owners, aware that blacks were not natural-born slaves, tried to control them by a series of steps: “establish and maintain strict discipline,” “implant a consciousness of personal inferiority,” “awe them with a sense of the master’s power,” and persuade them to support the owner’s enterprise and standard of conduct.”. Access to the complete content on Oxford Handbooks Online requires a subscription or purchase. “The worth of slaves increased correspondingly so that on the eve of the Civil War it was greater than the total dollar value of all the nation’s banks, railroads, and manufacturing.”. . The North let the South substitute a war for liberty for the war for slavery, and the North ceased to think of slaves and freedmen as serious persons. Female virtue could not be trampled under foot with impunity, and marriage among the people of color kept in utter obscurity.”. Charles Sydnor’s study of slavery in Mississippi reveals that the value in 1860 of the state’s 436,691 slaves, at eight hundred dollars each, was over $349 million, while the total cash value of its farmland, farming implements, and livestock was only about $241 million.60 Well-to-do Mississippians’ financial stake in slavery as of 1860 is obvious. So much they won’t ever pray it away.’”. The reason, it debunked all the myths of southern slavery, and provided significant ground to postulate that slavery in the United States was a benevolent and very profitable practice, especially for freed slaves who bought slaves of their own, and became rich as well. Cash stated that Southerners questioning the institution were hanged, tarred, horsewhipped, or assaulted in other ways. And under it in our country, he is in a better condition than he has ever attained in any other age and country, either in bondage or freedom.”, As the Civil War drew to a close, the myth continued and seems to have been embellished. Because the states copied each other’s codes, their provisions were generally uniform throughout the South. Slaves were so valuable that there was even talk about changing or overriding the 1807 congressional ban on the international slave trade. So abolitionists in the North devised a clever plan to mail anti-slavery pamphlets to people in the South. Although slavery had a different social function in Roman times, its economic function was identical - reduced price of labor. Revenge spread to other states. Slavery did not destroy black families. 1. It is equally ahistorical to ignore slavery as a cause of the Civil War. . Their ‘peculiar institution’ morphed from a ‘necessary evil’ to a ‘positive good,’ a ‘practical and moral necessity,’ and the ‘will of Almighty God.’” The historian U. In 1856, Governor James Hopkins Adams told the legislature, “To maintain our present position [of cotton dominance], we must have cheap labor also. A recent study of land usage, slavery, and other agricultural phenomena in the United States and Britain concludes that in fourteen slave states (all but small Delaware) in 1860 there were a total of 73.769 million developed acres and 170.644 million undeveloped acres on 755,209 farms. . His soul may be the very seat of honor and integrity, yet without slaves—himself a slave—he is accounted as nobody. Edward Ayers observes, “White Southerners hardly lashed out in desperation over a dying institution. Stampp used many of the same sources as Phillips but “relied more heavily on diaries, journals, newspaper runaway-slave ads, and even a few slave narratives.” Stampp found that non-slaveholding whites supported slavery as “a means of controlling the social and economic competition of Negroes, concrete evidence of membership in a superior caste, a chance perhaps to rise into the planter class.”. Conversely, Lincoln's careful stance on a variety of issues guided him to a meager victory in a year when the country, and its political parties, were ravaged by a maelstrom of complicated and volatile issues. Describing antebellum Southern society, Dew says, “The average Southern farmer is a yeoman who owns his own land and works it with the help of his family; he might own a slave. The revision could not become part of the Civil War legend without Northern acceptance, and the North, including its academic historians, did accept the South’s rewriting of the record. More money could be made on female than male slaves because the children of female slaves became the property of the mothers’ owners. As the anti-slavery movement organized in the 1830s, it became obvious that it was dangerous to send advocates of the cause into the pro-slavery states. Margaret Mitchell captured the “mint julep school” of antebellum Southern history—happy, indolent, and ignorant slaves protected by their kind and benevolent masters—in her novel Gone with the Wind, published in 1936, and the epic film version of 1939 engraved it on the popular imagination. Pregnant women worked, and after childbirth women returned to the fields quickly, with little time lost. The whole subject was disposed of with the coolest deliberation and with regard only to interest of the public.” In South Carolina, two slaves suspected of kidnapping and rape were stripped, tied to forked poles, had their mouths bound, and were left to be eaten by crows and buzzards. *** B. Slave states did not want to give up their way . yes... slavery caused racism by bossing slaves around and calling them innappropriate names and this caused racism. . PRINTED FROM OXFORD HANDBOOKS ONLINE (www.oxfordhandbooks.com). Workers on rice plantations spent days standing in the water of the rice field, prey to insects and disease, with a minimal diet to sustain them. Yet the founders failed to deliver the fatal blow to slavery after the war as the promise of universal emancipation implied in the war's rhetoric collapsed. Tredegar [Iron Works] hire[d] slaves every year.”50 Many Southerners envisioned the large-scale use of slaves in factories that could be built or expanded. . This position was a far cry from the one that prevailed in the days of the American Revolution and its immediate aftermath when abolition and manumission enjoyed popularity and resulted in the gradual abolishment of slavery in many Northern states. He and his band of sixty insurgents roamed the countryside killing most whites they encountered—a total of sixty-one. Northern states were beginning to see the value of slavery. “[E]ven more brave and constant” than Southern soldiers, wrote Thomas Nelson Page, “were the women who stayed at home. It is often suggested that we have ignored the well-known facts that most southerners did not own slaves and that most northerners shared the era’s racist attitudes. It didn't, in fact it fueled westward expansion by making the slave-power stats want to add more slave territory to the United States to counter the new free states that were being added. © HistoryOnTheNet 2000-2019. The fugitive slave Harriet Jacobs reported that she was constantly sexually threatened by her master and added that white men preyed on female slaves so often that “if God has bestowed beauty upon her, it will prove her greatest curse.” The ex-slave Henry Bibb observed the sexual activities of slave-owners: “I have long thought from what has fallen under my own observation while a slave, that the strongest reason why southerners stick with such tenacity to their ‘peculiar institution,’ is because licentious white men could not carry out their wicked purposes among the defenseless colored population as they now do, without being exposed and punished by law, if slavery was abolished. Nothing compelled them to secede other than their own commitment to a pre-emptive independence movement. . Cash described as the cover-up for master-slave sexual relations: And the only really satisfactory escape here . In 1853, the Georgian Robert Toombs explained that “whenever the two races co-exist a state of slavery is best for [the African] and society. All Rights Reserved. Their harsh working conditions, minimal food and clothing; abominable housing, lack of freedom to move about, and vulnerability to sale and family dispersion led many slaves, not surprisingly, to become what Stampp called “troublesome property.” They tried to sabotage production, challenge overseers, fight back when provoked, flee for their freedom, or even (rarely kill their overseers or plan or participate in slave revolts. Within the last 12 months, we have had to hang some 40 for plotting an insurrection, and there has been about that number put in irons.” That fall, after the Battle of Corinth (Mississippi), Union chaplain John Eaton reported that as cotton planters fled, their slaves “flocked in vast numbers— an army in themselves—to the camps of the Yankees.”, Before, during, and after the war, promoters of the Myth used words like “happy,” “content,” “faithful,” “amiable,” and “cheerful” to describe slaves’ attitudes about their condition. All of a plantation’s slaves, “for their moral improvement,” were gathered to watch their peers whipped while hung by the thumbs, have an ear nailed to a post before severing, or be “tomcatted” (having a tomcat dragged across their bare backs and thighs). They did this because a party had been elected to the White House – fairly and squarely – with the avowed purpose of limiting slavery in the territories. Cash provided an even more forthright analysis of the role of non-slaveholding whites (“common whites”) in the institution of slavery: “And in this loyalty [to slavery] the common white participated as fully as any other Southerner. . Slavery is a just a memory. He contended that slave owners were being driven to an unhealthy overproduction of cotton that would soon lead to slavery’s demise because of the inevitable decline in the price of cotton. Phillips argued that speculation had raised slave prices to the point of unprofitability except in the most favorable circumstances. The myth concludes that, whatever the merits of slavery, the Civil War was unnecessary to end it because the institution was economically doomed and would have died a natural death within a reasonable time. Miscegenation primarily came from freed slaves who bought female slaves to fill the brothels of New Orleans and profit from the … Southern repression of black economic, civil, voting, and other rights during the hundred years following the Civil War further demonstrated the lack of motivation to terminate the slavery or subordination of African Americans. By why?? The possibility of such actions by blacks became a favorite argument of those opposing emancipation, including the proposals to arm and free slaves to prevent loss of the Civil War. In Holly Springs, Mississippi, one planter punished his slaves by slashing the soles of their feet with a Bowie knife. In late 1862, Confederate officials were reluctant to assure the British that the African slave trade would not be revived. A prominent Southern journalist, J. D. B. DeBow, writing in 1867, explained the alleged loyalty and contentment of blacks during the war. Alan Nolan explains: “This revisionism in regard to the role of slavery and the character of the slaves could have remained an entirely Southern theme. B. Slavery allowed people of all classes to get jobs and make money. There was room for slavery to expand in Texas and in many bypassed sections of the South, and slavery would have provided a ready workforce in the industries that the South needed to develop. . How Did Slavery Cause the Civil War: Reality of the Institution. The profits slavery provided to white slave-owners and the social superiority it provided to non-slaveholding whites gave the peculiar institution a firm hold on the South. . A different and likely more accurate view of slavery emerged in 1956 with Kenneth Stampp’s The Peculiar Institution: Slavery in the Ante-Bellum South. . . B. Phillips, as Woodman explains, concluded that cotton prices had dropped in price, slavery had become unprofitable just prior to the Civil War, and that it was a dying institution. Before the Civil War railways were rapidly opening up new fertile areas to plantation agriculture. [W]omen working in the owner’s house were especially vulnerable to sexual exploitation. (Choose all that apply.) This fear of Negro equality had a long history. He may be poor, it is true; but there is no point upon which he is so justly proud and sensitive as his privilege of caste; and there is nothing which he would resent with more fierce indignation than the attempt of the Abolitionist to emancipate the slaves and elevate the Negros [sic] to an equality with himself and his family.”. Effect: They were forced to slave away in the houses by cleaning clothes, washing dishes ,baking food…. . Ramsdell claimed that “those who wished [slavery] destroyed had only to wait a little while—perhaps a generation, probably less.” Robert William Fogel and Stanley L. Engerman contest that analysis by arguing that cotton production had become more efficient, that worldwide demand for it had increased, and that Southern planters actually had responded too slowly in increasing their 1850s cotton production in an effort to meet demands. The early centauries were particularly characterized with kingdoms attacking other smaller kingdoms and … 3 Answers. Get an answer for 'Did Reconstruction successfully solve the problems caused by slavery and the Civil War?' It was not ameliorating slavery, but making it harsher and more implacable. The more one studies antebellum slavery, the clearer it becomes that “[h]olding millions of African people in bondage required a virtual police state, and southern society came to tolerate, and even honor, a military social climate that accepted violence as a necessity.”32 Southern slave patrols and militias provided the South with a head start on military preparation for the Civil War. You have a whole population of four million people whom you consider, and your society considers, inferior to you. . After examining the 1830–1860 data, they conclude that “[d]uring the decade of the fifties sanguinity was increasing quite rapidly, accounting for 40 percent of the rise in slave prices in the Old South and 75 percent of the rise in the New South. In 1861, Bunch encouraged the new Confederate government to abolish the slave trade. He added, “And, worst of all, there was the fact that the South itself definitely shared in these moral notions—in its secret heart always carried a powerful and uneasy sense of the essential rightness of the nineteenth century’s position on slavery. Kenneth Stampp concurred in this analysis. Denied and deferred in the United States, the antislavery movement would achieve its greatest influence in Britain. . The center and circumference, diameter and periphery, sine, tangent and secant of all our affections!’ Such was the toast which brought twenty great cheers from the audience at the celebration of Georgia’s one-hundredth anniversary in the 1830’s.”. They conclude, “the tale about the uncommercial planter who was gripped by an irresistible tendency to the overproduction of cotton is sheer fantasy.”, Although slavery was therefore proving to be of continuing economic benefit to those who engaged in it, it probably had a deleterious long-term effect on the Southern economy as a whole. The mass exodus of slaves to Union lines exposed the myth of loyalty and contentment. A North Carolina slave who boasted that he preferred white women was castrated. Some advocates of the Lost Cause have contended that Southerners, aware that slavery’s disappearance was inevitable, would not have fought a war to save the dying institution. It almost broke my heart.’ Could any white southerner pretend not to know from direct observation the meaning of Sojourner Truth’s statement: ‘I have borne thirteen chillun and seen em’ mos’ all sold off into slavery, and when I cried out with a mother’s grief, none but Jesus heard.’ . Hungering in body and heart they bore with more than a soldier’s courage, more than a soldier’s hardship, and to the last, undaunted and dauntless, gave them new courage as with tear-dimmed eyes they sustained them in the darkest hours of their despondency and defeat.”. and find homework help for other Reconstruction questions at eNotes In order to discuss this question, we must examine the nature of slavery in 1861 and determine if it was in fact a dying institution, as some claim. Winthrop Jordan concludes these had no realistic chance for adoption. Which of the following was a cause of the Great Depression? Site created in November 2000. Slavery was the principal cause of the American Civil War as it created a significant economic tension between the North and South. A sampling of antebellum slave prices reveals the economic health of slavery. . The following are the 1859–1860 price ranges for male and female slaves between the ages of eight and twenty-one in the states indicated: Both sets of numbers become more meaningful when placed in the context of even longer-term slave values. But [the yeoman and the 25 percent of whites who were slave-owners] have something in common, which is white skin. Cash provides an example of the heights which the worship of Southern womanhood could reach: “‘Woman!!! B. Phillips, as Woodman explains, concluded that cotton prices had dropped in price, slavery had become unprofitable just prior to the Civil War, and that it was a dying institution. PRINTED FROM OXFORD HANDBOOKS ONLINE (www.oxfordhandbooks.com). An institution that was so profitable and accounted for such a huge portion of Southern wealth was unlikely to disappear without some outside compulsion. Relevance. Drawing evidence exclusively from plantation records, letters, southern newspapers, and other sources reflecting the slaveholder’s point of view, Phillips depicted slave masters who provided for the welfare of their slaves and contended that true affection existed between slave and master.” Phillips’s interpretation had a lasting effect and influenced Mitchell’s novel. . Newspaper editors were a favorite target; five editors of the Vicksburg Journal were killed in thirteen years. Welfare did. Slavery was one of these issues. Lv 5. One of the cruelest ramifications of slavery was its destruction of the black family unit; slaves could not legally marry, and their families were subject to permanent dissolution at the whim of the slave-owner or his estate. As early as summer 1862, a Natchez provost marshal reported to Mississippi’s governor, “There is a great disposition among the negroes to be insubordinate and to run away to the federals. Slavery was the answer to both these problems. When the Stamp Act crisis erupted, the abolition of the Atlantic slave trade or the overthrow of colonial slavery was deemed impossible. Under the terms of the licence agreement, an individual user may print out a PDF of a single chapter of a title in Oxford Handbooks Online for personal use (for details see Privacy Policy and Legal Notice). . The following table shows the estimated average prices of prime eighteen-to-twenty-year-old male and female field hands in Georgia between 1828 and 1860: Other statistics shed light on the value of slaves throughout the South in 1859 and 1860. After noting that slave hiring rates and sales prices in the 1850s had a solid economic foundation, he concluded that “the slave was earning for his owner a substantial, though varying, surplus above the cost of maintenance. In Saint-Domingue, slave insurrections led to the abolition of slavery in the French West Indies by 1794. social studies 8th. He also stated that he did not have to Constitutionally power to abolish slavery. Washington's association with the victorious and popular stance on issues of independence made him the unanimous choice for president in 1789. Most slaves in history have been the losers of wars with close neighbors who were usually the same color; racism had nothing to do with it. Although many of the Founding Fathers acknowledged that slavery violated the core American Revolutionary ideal of liberty, their simultaneous commitment to private property rights, principles of limited government, and intersectional harmony prevented them from making a bold move against slavery. . In The Mind of the South, W. J. This picture was first painted by antebellum Southerners: “Seeing the tide of history turning against them, Southerners went on the offensive. After the Revolution, Virginians, inspired by some Founding Fathers, considered some emancipation and colonization proposals. Yet the founders failed to deliver the fatal blow to slavery after the war as the promise of universal emancipation implied in the war's rhetoric collapsed. And in order to do that he must bring them back into the union and if it meant killing people well he would do it! Whether the enslavement of people would be allowed to spread to new states and territories was a volatile issue at various times throughout the early 1800s. For questions on access or troubleshooting, please check our FAQs, and if you can''t find the answer there, please contact us. . In 1860 Richmond had dozens of slave traders, about six major slave auction houses, and at least nineteen slave auctioneers. History. They raised issues of social equality among blacks and whites, and there was pervasive and profound “thought and feeling about social intermixture.” “As time went on in the nineteenth century,” writes Jordan, “Virginians, realizing that colonization was utterly impractical and hating themselves as slave owners, turned more and more to the self-solacing thought that realities of ‘prejudice’ were inevitable, innate and right. More slaves in the city means a greater pool of workers for the local farms and such. Helper explained: Every white man who is under the necessity of earning his bread, by the sweat of his brow, or by manual labor, in any capacity, no matter how unassuming in deportment, or exemplary in morals, is treated as if he was a loathsome beast, and shunned with the utmost disdain. Could not be revived ( all without benefit of judge, jury, or assaulted in other ways a... Slave who boasted that he did not want to give up their way sub-human condition and blacks alike so,. For African Americans he preferred white women was castrated lashed out in desperation over a dying institution a time... Became the property of the system. ” association with the victorious and stance. Were put forward to achieve a comprehensive emancipation the houses by cleaning clothes, washing dishes baking. Of colonial slavery was approved by God 1860 Richmond had dozens of slave traders about. Content on Oxford Handbooks Online requires a subscription Handbook of the South, W..... 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