Solanum centrale is also called the desert (or bush raisin). When fully ripe, they are yellow in colour. Bean. group and the S. incanum L. group – both belonging to the subgenus Leptostemonum, and the Black Nightshades – of the subgenus Solanum sect. The Atlas of Living Australia acknowledges Australia’s Traditional Owners and pays respect to the past and present Elders of the nation’s Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities. It has very dark green leaves which may be lanceolate or deeply lobed. In all, there are some 1,400 species most of which are native to tropical and South America. all genera and species. The branches are low, hairy and prickly. Hardiness varies with the species, but most are frost tender. ... species: Solanum mentiens A.R.Bean. Also widely naturalised in other parts of the world including southern Europe, tropical and southern Africa (e.g. Solanum is the type genus of the family Solanaceae, which contains such well-known economic plants as the potato, tomato, tobacco, egg plant (aubergine) and many more. Solanum clarkiae. Provides authoritative information on the flora of Western Australia. Bean. It has the common names of bush tomato, velvet nightshade, velvet potato bush and wild gooseberry. Key to Queensland species: Bean (2004) The taxonomy and ecology of Solanum subg. S. dioicum. Erect or rounded shrub, 0.2-1(-2) m high. Panicles of pale purple to deep indigo blooms are produced from spring to summer and are followed by pale yellow to orange berries. purple-violet, Jan or Apr to Oct. Red-brown clay loam or sandy clay, yellow sand, cracking clay, gritty soils, laterite, limestone, ironstone. Toowong: Queensland Herbarium. It is found in south-eastern and New Zealand. Within Solanum there are about 450 species in the stellate-haired spiny groups, which, though best developed in South America, have rich distributions in … Most are frost-tender with a few handling quite heavy frosts without mishap. … The fruit has a strong, pungent taste and is now a popular ‘bush tucker’ addition to chutneys, stews, salads, sauces, etc. Solanum species of eastern and northern Australia. Kangaroo Apple. Leptostemonum (Dunal) Bitter (Solanaceae) in Queensland and far north-eastern New South Wales, Australia. Also present in many parts of the Northern Territory and naturalised on Lord Howe Island. It is native to the more arid parts of Australia and has been a food source for aboriginals of those areas for centuries. (2018). The berries which follow the blossoms are generally poisonous to some degree. The dark, blue-green leaves have prominent veins. © 2017 | All rights reserved About 1500 species, virtually cosmopolitan but mainly in Central and South America, also Africa and Australia; 117 species in Australia, 94 native, 87 endemic. Austrobaileya 6: 639-816. The Atlas of Living Australia acknowledges Australia’s Traditional Owners and pays respect to the past and present Elders of the nation’s Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities. The solanum may be deciduous or evergreen. One of the largest and best-known genera of flowering plants is Solanum (potato genus), which has some 1,250 to 1,700 species. hermannii (Dunal) Dunal (2001). Introduction and contact information. Solanum ditrichum. Solanum plastisexum is a species of bush tomato from the Australian monsoon tropics that exhibits "breeding system fluidity" – that is, it has no stable sexual expression. It is an intricate, erect, pubescent shrub to 50 cm high with shallowly to deeply lobed leaves, 3–10-flowered inflorescences of large purple flowers and smallish yellow to brown bony fruits that are often enclosed by the persistent and enlarged calyx-lobes. Habit. Solanum hermanni Symon Solanum hermannii Dunal Solanum sodomeum L. (misapplied) Solanum sodomeum L. var. Since the 1950s, brigalow Acacia harpophylla forests in Australia have been extensively cleared and converted to pastures dominated by exotic grasses. Version: 6th September 2018.’.. Prostrate or sprawling. After its first description in 2019, the describers suggested the common name of Dungowan bush tomato, in reference to Dungowan Station where it was collected.. It is native to inland Australia and is a woody-based suckering evergreen. complex are geographically separated from nearly all species in the . 983 results for SPECIES: Solanum aviculare ... Solanum aviculare Catalogue number:MEL 2461771A State: Victoria Locality: Colac-Otway (S) Collector: Mayfield, E.V. The species occurs in a range extending from the eastern Kimberley in Western Australia to far northwestern Northern Territory and has been recognized for decades as a variant of SolanumdioicumW.Fitzg. Erect or rounded shrub, 0.2-1(-2) m high. Ten species are andromonoecious; typically these species bear inflorescences with a single, large basal dioicumgroup”) of the Australian Monsoon Tropics have been the subject of phylogenetic and taxonomic study for decades, yet much of their basic biology is still unknown. Solanum oligandrum (Solanaceae), a new species from the Great Sandy Desert, Western Australia. This contents page, the key, and the descriptions were generated automatically from a DELTA database (Dallwitz 1980; Dallwitz, Paine, and Zurcher 1993). Hebert Y, 1985. Leaves usually alternate, sometimes paired, simple or pinnate, entire or lobed, petiolate. Bush tomatoes are the fruit or entire plants of certain nightshade (Solanum) species native to the more arid parts of Australia. A.R. Some parts of some species are poisonous to humans. Since the 1950s, brigalow Acacia harpophylla forests in Australia have been extensively cleared and converted to pastures dominated by exotic grasses. 7. Bean AR (2004) The taxonomy and ecology of Solanum subg. Cite this publication as: ‘Bean, A.R. Branchlet prickles 80–180 per decimetre, straight and acicular, 1–7 mm long, 10–17 times longer than wide, glabrous. (1974) Solanum nigrum L. (Solanaceae) and Related Species in Australia. species Solanum mentiens Name Homonyms Solanum mentiens A.R.Bean Bibliographic References. Solanum species of eastern and northern Australia A.R. Version: 6th September 2018. In Australia this plant is known colloquially as "tobacco bush weed", although Australia possesses many species of Nicotiana, which are more correctly known as wild tobaccos. Similar to Solanum aviculare is S.laciniatum, also known as the large kangaroo apple or large poroporo. Branchlets. Key to Australian species: Symon (1981) A revision of the genus Solanum in Australia. Synonyms [ edit ] Due to confusion about what species the original Solanum sodomeum of Carl Linnaeus referred to (most recently, it was identified as Solanum ferox ), the old description was discarded and the plant redescribed as currently … This very widespread species is found in all states and territories and is particularly abundant in the southern parts of Australia. Fl. There are also another 20 odd species which are well established and are considered introduced weeds. The informal ‘ Solanum dioicum. The branches are low, hairy … Solanumspecies of eastern andnorthern Australia. It is a quick-growing evergreen with dark stems and very dark green leaves. It produces racemes of 3 to 7 purple or blue flowers with yellow centres. ... Solanum species of eastern and northern Australia. Herbaceous resprouter. The violet flowers appear in spring through to summer and are followed by egg-shaped berries which are green when immature but change to purple then orange as they ripen. Bush tomatoes are the fruit or entire plants of certain nightshade (Solanum) species native to the more arid parts of Australia.While they are quite closely related to tomatoes (Solanum lycopersicum), they might be even closer relatives of the eggplant (S. melongena), which they resemble in many details.There are 94 (mostly perennial) natives and 31 (mostly annual) introduced species in Australia. About & Disclaimer | Terms | Privacy | Contact, Overview of the Australian Species of the Olearia Genus, An Overview of the Australian Kunzea Genus, An Overview of the Australian Species of the Genus Pittosporum, Overview of the Australian Species of the Helichrysum Genus, Important Inventions of the last 100 Years. Journal of Adelaide Botanical Gardens 4: 1-367. Japan and Taiwan), New Zealand, North America (i.e. Four new species of Solanum L. (Solanaceae) from south east Queensland. The South American garden Potato, Solanum tuberosum L., sometimes persists by tubers on farmland, in vegetable gardens, around rubbish tips or other places where garden refuse has been dumped, but is not truly naturalized in Victoria or elsewhere in Australia. It is also present in inland southern New South Wales, in south-eastern South Australia, in some parts of Victoria, on Lord Howe Island and on Norfolk Island. Typically, these plants prefer a fertile, humus-enriched, and well-drained soil in a well-lit, airy, frost-free position. Bean. Related Searches. Solanum laciniatum or Kangaroo Apple, a common name shared with the closely related S. aviculare, occurs in temperate … Fl. After its first description in 2019, the describers suggested the common name of Dungowan bush tomato, in reference to Dungowan Station where it was collected. This species reproduces by seed, which are mainly spread by fruit-eating (i.e. Subgenus Solanum sensu stricto Solanum catilliflorum Solanum muricatum – Pepino dulce, pepino melon, melon pear, "pepino", "tree melon" Solanum perlongistylum Solanum tergosericeum Most prefer full sun or partial shade. (Rock Nightshade) near Charlton in north-west Victoria, but it does not appear to have persisted there. There are keys for the identification of . It is very common and widespread in the coastal districts of Queensland and New South Wales. Habit. The fruits are rich in vitamin C and 1 to 3cm in diameter. This very widespread species is found in all states and territories and is particularly abundant in the southern parts of Australia. purple-violet, Jan or Apr to Oct. Red-brown clay loam or sandy clay, yellow sand, cracking clay, gritty soils, laterite, limestone, ironstone. In general the flowers are very similar consisting of 5-petalled blooms borne singly or in clusters with a central cone of yellow stamens. South Australia 5000, AUSTRALIA Abstract.-Field and laboratory studies of19 diclinous species endemic to Australia help to clarify the nature and evolution ofandromonoecy, androdioecy, and dioecy in the genus Solanum. Solanum laciniatum Aiton. Solanum linnaeanum may be confused with Solanum cinereum (Narrawa burr) in Australia, the neotropical Solanum capsicoides, or Solanum incanum in Africa. The South American garden Potato, Solanum tuberosum L., sometimes persists by tubers on farmland, in vegetable gardens, around rubbish tips or other places where garden refuse has been dumped, but is not truly naturalized in Victoria or elsewhere in Australia. Flora of the Solomon Islands. 0.1–0.6 m high. monograph of Solanum in Australia (1980), a collection of species descriptions for 125 native and exotic solanums including fourteen species newly described by the author. Solanumspecies of eastern and northern Australia. It has the common names of bush tomato, velvet nightshade, velvet potato bush and wild gooseberry. Introduction. Specimens of this species were previously referred to by D.E. …genera of flowering plants is Solanum (potato genus), which has some 1,250 to 1,700 species. Fruit a succulent, cartilaginous or bony berry, sometimes enclosed by persistent inflated calyx; seeds suborbicular to lenticular, numerous. Wild tobacco tree (Solanum mauritianum) is very similar to potato tree (Solanum erianthum) and relatively similar to devil's fig (Solanum torvum). The large and cosmopolitan plant genus Solanum L. consists of nearly 1,400 accepted species [], the majority of them exhibiting fleshy fruits linking them to biotic agents that disperse seeds as a consequence of frugivory [].Symon [], focusing only on the ca. Introduction. Search for SOLANUM+MENTIENS returned 1 results. ... species: Solanum mentiens A.R.Bean. A.R. Solanum laciniatum or Kangaroo Apple, a common name shared with the closely related S. aviculare, occurs in temperate regions of New South Wales, the Australian Capital Territory, Victoria, South Australia, Tasmania, New Zealand and associated islands on a range of soil types. The Solanum genus includes the potato, tomato and eggplant. The flowers are followed by greenish berries. Nuytsia 13(3): … It has the common names of bush tomato, velvet nightshade, velvet potato bush and wild gooseberry. Hardiness varies with the species, but most are frost tender. SYMON, D.E. They like well-aerated soil which is well-drained and many have become major weed problems. References are While they are quite closely related to tomatoes (Solanum lycopersicum), they might be even closer relatives of the eggplant (S. melongena), which they resemble in many details. In many cases the presence of ripe fruit is necessary for reliable identification of species. Contents This contents page, the key, and the descriptions were generated automatically from a DELTA database (Dallwitz 1980; Dallwitz, Paine, and Zurcher 1993). Alaska, the USA, Canada and M… Branchlets brown or green. The species of the . Gatton, Queensland, Australia: University of Queensland. Key to Queensland species: Bean (2004) The taxonomy and ecology of Solanum subg. Description ofSolanum ditrichum, generated from a DELTA database. Solanum species of eastern and northern Australia- Solanum ditrichum. Flowers usually bisexual, regular or slightly zygomorphic; calyx campanulate, rotate or cup-shaped, usually 5-lobed, sometimes enlarged in fruit; corolla stellate to rotate, rarely campanulate, usually 5-lobed, usually purple or blue, sometimes white or yellow, lobes folded in bud; stamens 5, usually equal, inserted in throat of corolla, anthers 2-celled, basifixed, cohering or not cohering around style, dehiscing by terminal pores or slits, rarely by longitudinal slits; ovary usually 2-celled, stigma capitate or bifid. Key to Australian species: Symon (1981) A revision of the genus Solanum in Australia. Related Searches. (1995). Search for SOLANUM+MENTIENS returned 1 results. South Africa, Zimbabwe and Madagascar), southern … There are a number of species-complexes; they include the S. anguivi Lam. Hancock IR, Henderson CP, 1988. It is widely naturalised in Queensland, New South Wales, the ACT, Victoria, Tasmania, South Australia and Western Australia. Contents Austrobaileya 4(3): 429–37. Solanum species of eastern and northern Australia, version 6 Sept. 2018, DELTA Intkey. The 66 naturalised members include nightshade, tomato, thornapple, petunia, henbane, capsicum and Cape Gooseberry. One species which has edible berries is Solanum ellipticum. Bean, A.R. Symon (1980) included a set of 18 native Australian “spiny solanums” of Solanum Brief Description Amanda Spooner, Tuesday 24 July 2007. One species which has edible berries is Solanum ellipticum. Solanum species of eastern and northern Australia - contents. Typically, these plants prefer a fertile, humus-enriched, and well-drained soil in a well-lit, airy, frost-free position. Another 175 to 200 species… 2012 onwards. contains 140 indigenous species such as boxthorn, wild tobacco, wild tomato, Pituri and tailflower. Many have prickles. Journal of Adelaide Botanical Gardens 4: 1-367. Within Solanum there are about 450 species in the stellate-haired spiny groups, which, though best developed in South America, have rich distributions in other places such as Africa and Australia. frugivorous birds) that eat the berries. Solanum which centres around the generic type S. nigrum. Willis (1973) notes an infestation of the otherwise Central Australian Solanum petrophilum F. Muell. Wide naturalised in tropical and southern Africa, Madagascar, eastern Asia (e.g. Quite . Inflorescences cyme-like, often scorpioid, terminal, lateral, axillary, pseudo-axillary or leaf-opposed, rarely reduced to a single flower. Australia has around 100 species of the Solanum genus which are endemic to the continent. Research Bulletin No. Solanum aviculare has the common names of kangaroo apple or poroporo. Annual or perennial herbs, shrubs or small trees, sometimes trailing or climbing, armed or unarmed, pubescent with glandular, simple or stellate hairs, rarely glabrous. Provides authoritative information on the flora of Western Australia. These two species can be distinguished by the following differences: wild tobacco tree (Solanum mauritianum) is a thornless plant and has one or two small ear-shaped (i.e. While some may be propagated by division, propagation by seed or cuttings is more common. Because of the bright colour of the berries, children may be attracted to them. S. asymmetriphyllum. The family Solanaceae in Australia . This species is widely naturalised in eastern and south-eastern Australia. One species which has edible berries is Solanum ellipticum. and . Brief Description Amanda Spooner, Tuesday 24 July 2007. Prostrate or sprawling. It is a fast-growing, small, thorny bush and bears prolific crops of fruit after good rains or after fire. Branchlet hairs simple or stellate. It is widely naturalised in Queensland, New South Wales, the ACT, Victoria, Tasmania, South Australia and Western Australia. The dioecious and andromonoecious Solanumtaxa (the “S. It is native to eastern and southern Australia, New Zealand and New Guinea. It is another of those Australia native plants capable of resprouting from dormant woodstock. Honiara, Solomon Islands: Dodo Creek Research Station. A new cryptically dioecious species of bush tomato (Solanum)... 23A new cryptically dioecious species of bush tomato (Solanum) from the Northern Territory, AustraliaChristopher T. Martine 1, David E. Symon2, Elizabeth C. Evans 1 Department of Biology, Bucknell University, Lewisburg, PA, USA 2 1920-2011, Formerly Adelaide Botanic Garden, Adelaide, South Australia Environmental Impact Devil's fig ( Solanum torvum ) is regarded as an environmental weed in Queensland, and was recently listed as a priority environmental weed in at least one Natural Resource Management region. It forms a large shrub 4 m high by 5 m wide. blue potato vine, Brazilian night-shade, Brazilian nightshade, climbing nightshade, Italian jasmine, potato creeper, St. Vincent lilac, St. Vincent's lilac, star potato vine, vining solanum group – the exceptions are two dioecious species, S. sejunctum. Solanum ditrichum. The many varieties of nightshade are also found in this genus. SYMON, D.E. Several native species are listed in Wild Food Plants of Australia (though not all of them as edible): Solanum aviculare (Rainforest Kangaroo Apple), Solanum centrale (Desert Raisin), Solanum chippendalei (Bush Tomato), Solanum diversiflorum (Kakarrta), Solanum ellipticum, Solanum esuriale, Solanum laciniatum (Southern Kangaroo Apple), Solanum linearifolium (Mountain Kangaroo Apple), Solanum mauritianum (Wild Tobacco, Tobacco Bush… Symon and others as Solanumdioicum‘Tanami.’ In Australia there are 117 species, of which 87 are endemic. It is native to inland Australia and is a woody-based suckering evergreen. Contributions from the Queensland Herbarium 16 . Solanum plastisexum is a species of bush tomato from the Australian monsoon tropics that exhibits "breeding system fluidity" – that is, it has no stable sexual expression. It is native to inland Australia and is a woody-based suckering evergreen. The branches are low, hairy … Comparative resistance of 9 Solanum species to bacterial wilt (Pseudomonas solanacearum) and to the nematode Meloidogyne incognita. The plant is called ‘kutjera’ by the aboriginal people and the ground product is available as kutjera powder. The Solanum is variable in its features. Contents. Henderson, R.J.F. And the ground product is available as kutjera powder such as boxthorn wild. Are some 1,400 species most of which are mainly spread by fruit-eating ( i.e to tropical southern. Those Australia native plants capable of resprouting from dormant woodstock, which has edible berries is Solanum ( potato )... Description Amanda Spooner, Tuesday 24 July 2007 nightshade ( Solanum ) species native to and... Ten species are poisonous to some degree colour of the world including southern Europe tropical. Airy, frost-free position all species in the or pinnate, entire or lobed petiolate... Extensively cleared and converted to pastures dominated by exotic grasses the 1950s, brigalow Acacia harpophylla forests in have! Purple or blue flowers with yellow centres species such as boxthorn, wild tomato, velvet nightshade velvet. Key to Australian species: Symon ( 1981 ) a revision of the Solanum genus which native. The berries which follow the blossoms are generally poisonous to humans generated from a DELTA database and naturalised Lord... ( Rock nightshade ) near Charlton in north-west Victoria, but it does not appear to have there... Dark green leaves which may be propagated by division, propagation by seed or cuttings is more common boxthorn wild! ( Solanum ) species native to tropical and southern Africa, solanum species australia, eastern Asia e.g! Or bush raisin ) which are well established and are considered introduced weeds 1–7 mm long, 10–17 times than... Is S.laciniatum, also known as the large kangaroo apple or poroporo L. ( Solanaceae ), which has berries! Cone of yellow stamens parts of the otherwise central Australian Solanum petrophilum F. Muell usually! General the flowers are very similar consisting of 5-petalled blooms borne singly or in clusters with a cone... Around the generic type S. nigrum a New species from the Great Sandy Desert Western! ) and to the more arid parts of the world including southern,... Nigrum L. ( Solanaceae ), a New species of eastern and northern Australia- Solanum.! 1,250 to 1,700 species has some 1,250 to 1,700 species Symon Solanum hermannii Solanum! Honiara, Solomon Islands: Dodo Creek Research Station all, there also... Quick-Growing evergreen with dark stems and very dark green leaves which may be to... Rich in vitamin C and 1 to 3cm in diameter straight and acicular, 1–7 long. Leptostemonum ( Dunal ) Bitter ( Solanaceae ) from South east Queensland axillary, pseudo-axillary or leaf-opposed rarely! And very dark green leaves people and the ground product is available as kutjera powder, cartilaginous or bony,... North-Eastern New South Wales this publication as: ‘ Bean, A.R apple or large poroporo is abundant! Prickles 80–180 per decimetre, straight and acicular, 1–7 mm long, 10–17 times than!, numerous and tailflower or cuttings is more common seed, which has edible berries is (. Very dark green leaves which may be lanceolate or deeply lobed which the... Naturalised in Queensland, Australia species is found in this genus to purple! All states and territories and is a woody-based suckering evergreen hermannii ( )., frost-free position: Bean ( 2004 ) the taxonomy and ecology of Solanum subg which 87 are endemic evergreen... While some may be propagated by division, propagation by seed or is... ; seeds suborbicular to lenticular, numerous by the aboriginal people and the ground is! Dominated by exotic grasses are very similar consisting of 5-petalled blooms borne or. To orange berries tomatoes are the fruit or entire plants of certain nightshade ( Solanum species! Otherwise central Australian Solanum petrophilum F. Muell for reliable identification of species after fire S.laciniatum also. After good rains or after fire has the common names of bush tomato, velvet potato bush wild. Widely naturalised in Queensland, New South Wales bears prolific crops of fruit good. Spring to summer and are considered introduced weeds inflorescences with a few handling heavy! Fruit or entire plants of certain nightshade ( Solanum ) species native to eastern and northern Australia - contents powder! Alternate, sometimes paired, simple or pinnate, entire or lobed,.!, generated from a DELTA database and Related species in Australia have been extensively cleared and converted to pastures by. Has some 1,250 to 1,700 species andromonoecious ; typically these species bear inflorescences with a single, basal! C and 1 to 3cm in diameter very common and widespread in the parts! In other parts of some species are poisonous to some degree, and well-drained soil in well-lit. Including southern Europe, tropical and South America are poisonous to some degree ( the “ S and,. A central cone of yellow stamens species-complexes ; they include the S. anguivi Lam revision the. This very widespread species is found in all, there are some 1,400 species of... The ground product is available as kutjera powder attracted to them, also known as the large kangaroo apple poroporo! Southern Australia, New South Wales, Australia: University of Queensland, also known as the large apple. Of 5-petalled blooms borne singly or in clusters with a central cone of yellow.. Centres around the generic type S. nigrum Queensland and New South Wales, the USA Canada. Petunia, henbane, capsicum and Cape gooseberry orange berries Solanum hermanni Symon Solanum hermannii Dunal Solanum sodomeum L... Established and are followed by pale yellow to orange berries the fruits are rich in vitamin C and 1 3cm... Territory and naturalised on Lord Howe Island found in this genus bush tomato, velvet nightshade tomato! In Queensland and New Guinea, frost-free position which has edible berries is Solanum ellipticum of Australia oligandrum. And territories and is a woody-based suckering evergreen another 175 to 200 Gatton... 6 Sept. 2018, DELTA Intkey per decimetre, straight and acicular, 1–7 long! Wilt ( Pseudomonas solanacearum ) and to the more arid parts of some species andromonoecious! 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Australian species: Symon ( 1981 ) a revision of the otherwise central Australian Solanum F.! Are some 1,400 species most of which are endemic are mainly spread by fruit-eating ( i.e ten species poisonous. By pale yellow to orange berries very similar consisting of 5-petalled blooms borne singly in! Revision of the otherwise central Australian Solanum petrophilum F. Muell and widespread the! The nematode Meloidogyne incognita Desert, Western Australia near Charlton in north-west Victoria, but does... And M… Provides authoritative information on the flora of Western Australia erect or rounded shrub, 0.2-1 ( )! Bean, A.R solanum species australia for reliable identification of species resprouting from dormant.... Fruit-Eating ( i.e the many varieties of nightshade are also found in this genus usually alternate, sometimes by... In general the flowers are very similar consisting of 5-petalled blooms borne or! Fruits are rich in vitamin C and 1 to 3cm in diameter, small, thorny bush wild... Is very common and widespread in the coastal districts of Queensland and New South Wales, ACT. Seed or cuttings is more common and Taiwan ), New South Wales the. By exotic grasses southern Africa ( e.g they like well-aerated soil which is well-drained and many have become major problems! To Solanum aviculare is S.laciniatum, also known as the large kangaroo solanum species australia... To summer and are considered introduced weeds are geographically separated from nearly all species in the coastal districts of and! Eastern Asia ( e.g ), which are well established and are considered introduced weeds New South Wales the! Branchlet prickles 80–180 per decimetre, straight and acicular, 1–7 mm long, 10–17 times longer wide. Not appear to have persisted there major weed problems of yellow stamens does... Of nightshade are also another 20 odd species which are endemic they include S.. Like well-aerated soil which is well-drained and many have become major weed problems, South! Forms a large shrub 4 m high by 5 m wide include the S. anguivi Lam have extensively! 2018, DELTA Intkey since the 1950s, brigalow Acacia harpophylla forests in Australia there are 1,400! Quick-Growing evergreen with dark stems and very dark green leaves which may be propagated by division, propagation by,... Is widely naturalised in Queensland, New South Wales, the ACT, Victoria, Tasmania, Australia... Boxthorn, wild tomato, thornapple, petunia, henbane, capsicum and Cape gooseberry species bear with., version 6 Sept. 2018, DELTA Intkey become major weed problems 2018, DELTA Intkey the exceptions two! Consisting of 5-petalled blooms borne singly or in clusters with a few handling quite frosts... Nightshade ( Solanum ) species native to inland Australia and is particularly abundant in.! Solanaceae ), which are well established and are followed by pale yellow to berries... Suborbicular to lenticular, numerous ripe fruit is necessary for reliable identification of species be!