It is a solemn season when God comes near the soul. It is the old idea of the bush burning and not consumed. Mr. Darwin confessed himself "atrophied" toward music, painting, poetry, etc., through the so constant using of himself in ways simply scientific. There are times of abundant labour, of almost excessive joy, of hope above the brightness of the sun, and of realisations which transform the earth into heaven. We can also bring in how the rest of the Bible defines man: Children of God and the children of the devil, The saints of Christ and the men of the world. Exactly to that spot the tree sent off a long stretch of roots, which forced their way through this soft wood plug, choking up the passage; "and there," says the account, "they were found drinking, like so many thirsty animals." It once performed an important part in the growth of the plant. Some are early, some are late. refuse to practise wrongly, "way of sinners." Another great use of the trees is, as we all know, to furnish food for man. Principles — what are they? Blessing is the happiness that comes from a right relationship with God. There are surely seasons when one can make little increase save under exceptional circumstances, such as those of a tree by the river side, which shows little variation. Please use these sermons as the Lord leads, but nothing on this site may be used for profit without my expressed, written permission! In thee, O Lord, do I put my trust" (ver. He is like a tree planted by streams of water, yielding its fruit in season, whose leaf does not wither, and who prospers in all he does. And that some of the psalms apply to the Lord Jesus Christ, our Lord himself assures us (Luke 24:44). Back to Sermons. We must indeed see the goodness and the love of God in the goodly fruits of the trees. For the tree, as for our spirits, it holds true that a man can receive nothing except it be given him from heaven. I. 2. Like an illuminated initial letter, it presents a graphic picture of the contrast between the blessedness of the righteous and the misery of the wicked under the emblems of a fruit tree flourishing beside a river and of a handful of chaff winnowed by the wind. THE PERSON GOD BLESSESPSALM 1:1-3 Introduction: Since God created this world He has always blessed man, Genesis 1:28a, "And God blessed them…" Only after sin did we find the word "curse" mentioned in the Bible. And so the spiritual lives of God’s people are ultimately sustained by God. A. Now, it doesn’t guarantee that we will be rich in this life. Did you ever hear of a maple wishing it were an oak? The symmetrical man is one who has attended to the development of the mind, body, and spirit.6. So let's consider these three actions of verse 1, one at a time. At other times there are seasons of depression, almost intolerable weariness, somewhat indeed of sickness of heart, as if a great pain had fixed itself within us; at other times we know that we are not bringing forth fruit to the glory of God or for the use of man, and in such times we call ourselves cumberers of the ground, and urge our idleness against ourselves with all the force of a criminal accusation. Sentiments, opinions, and views belong to quite a different strata of mental life from the possession of principles. Do you believe in Christ, or do you reject Christ? At other times there are seasons of depression, almost intolerable weariness, somewhat indeed of sickness of heart, as if a great pain had fixed itself within us; at other times we know that we are not bringing forth fruit to the glory of God or for the use of man, and in such times we call ourselves cumberers of the ground, and urge our idleness against ourselves with all the force of a criminal accusation. And the time of spiritual quickening when the soul longs for more of God. All these things are prepared by the plants out of the elements which they take in from the earth and air. It has fallen from the higher powers of the organic world and it comes under the power of the inorganic. This is one of my sermons I had the opportunity to preach in Expository Preaching Class at Piedmont Baptist College and Graduate School in Winston-Salem, NC. (ESV) They are the soil of the soul. THE PROSPEROUS LIFE IS A LIFE MADE PROSPEROUS BY REFUSAL.1. Access to a perennial mine of nourishment and refreshment: "by the rivers of waters." Hidden supplies of God's grace, like the water at the roots of the tree. In no case does the fruit benefit the tree, but, on the contrary, burdens and exhausts it, as is clearly proved by the shorter lives of fruit than of other trees. That which separated him from the mass of creation — the Divine image — he has lost. (Joseph Parker, D. D.)Whatsoever he doeth shall prosper.The influence of religion upon prosperityHugh Blair, D. D.1. Its leaf shall not wither. Venting. This is how you can increase your love for Christ. We should be careful to eat and drink those things which will give us sound bodies. Let this be our conclusion, that, both in prosperity and in adversity, religion is the safest guide of human life. Therefore man must be checked, reproved, chastised. And so with the ungodly man. Intelligent discernment and loving faith are twin sisters; may they both be our attendants during our survey of these priceless productions of Hebrew pens! Rock and river, river and rock, this is what the law of God becomes. What ministers life to the living tree ministers more rapid decay to the chaff. This suggests —1. Mr. Darwin confessed himself "atrophied" toward music, painting, poetry, etc., through the so constant using of himself in ways simply scientific. It is often supposed that, by becoming a servant of God, a man loses all his distinctiveness, sacrifices many of his peculiar modes of power, and shuts himself up to a comparatively narrow range of activity; whereas the truth is, that no man ever finds out the variety of uses to which the human talent and power can be put until he begins to work under God's direction. Non-use of thought in certain directions results in inability of thought toward those directions. But at last one dark night CRACK it went, and broke in two right in the middle. Now we have more than a dozen translations and paraphrases at our fingertips. Stay connected to the Summit on the go! In your baptism you have been given to Christ and are His. How worthless does a human being become who has lost his true life by sin.2. There are certain spiritual foundations which never can be removed. The way of the righteous, and the way of the wicked. A mighty oak is perfect, because it has been tried. EACH IS MYSTERIOUS. (Psalms 112:1-2) Praise ye the LORD. Venting. By worldly assistance it is vain to think of providing any effectual defence, seeing the world's mutability is the very cause of our terror. Therefore man must be checked, reproved, chastised. '"Constancy in religionR. Mockery is found even in the academic community. He has qualities and characteristics peculiar to himself. There is no confusion. If anything, it elevates the necessity for holiness because of the spiritual realities of being in Christ. As believers we have been blessed "with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ:" Ephesians 1:3. All these things are prepared by the plants out of the elements which they take in from the earth and air. As might be expected, the tree bears fruit. The word means "perfectly balanced in all its parts." And this is the picture of the righteous man here. 4. Some principles are natural. The will is the summit of the character, just as the heart is at its centre, just as the understanding is at its base. While there usually have been scholarly works available to advanced students of Scriptures, now the shelves of Christian bookstores are unable to keep up with the flood of books that are coming on the market, targe… Non-use of thought in certain directions results in inability of thought toward those directions. In other words, as Peter teaches us in 2 Peter 1:3, it contains all that man … The Righteous Are Satisfied in the Word (v. 2). Acting in His gracious blessing on those who honor Him. Moral seasons. This is a remarkable feature. RESULTS. The years of drought are the years of little growth. There are men who have only attended to physical development; others only to intellectual development. 1. Counsel — that is, the thought or creed of the ungodly. You can try this experiment if you want to, and see if it is not so. In nature it is only through the fading of the leaf that the fruit ripens. We can none of us afford to make much of ourselves, but we can all of us afford to be ourselves. Stability. But if the good earth is too far away to be reached, it will make no effort on that side more than on the others." He expects you to bear fruit.2. That bringeth forth his fruit in his season. 1. 2. Prosperity is redoubled to a good man by his generous use of it. Now, what characterizes the law of the LORD? But if the good earth is too far away to be reached, it will make no effort on that side more than on the others." For Sermon Central researchers: I have posted a series of 15 sermons on the Psalms. Old age has its fruits. INTRODUCTION: We are continuing in our study on the Psalms of Ascent, and our message series is called Stepping Stones to Gods Heart. It is rarely, if ever, alluded to in the Scriptures. Now the woods need all the kinds of trees that God has made; and the world wants all the kinds of people that God has sent into it. In their very work they find something to engage their energy, quicken their enthusiasm, and develop their power. By this means his work is simplified. This is a remarkable feature. He hath the real spirit for the hour; the very occasion seems to bring the grace he needs. Some believe that Psalm 91 is also a Messianic Psalm, partly because satan quoted verses 11-12 to Jesus during His temptations (Luke 4:10-11). Consider this "if" as being nothing but an "if." The controlling thing in a man is his topmost love.2. Trusting God with Our Lives (Psalm 5) Intro. Importance. That is to say, God’s people are separated from those who mock God. This suggests the standard of prosperity. St. John speaks of "little children, young men, fathers." There are surely seasons when one can make little increase save under exceptional circumstances, such as those of a tree by the river side, which shows little variation. (Sarah Smiley. A little root ran out and down into the crevice, and began growing. In the fruit the tree sacrifices its own life for the life that is to spring from it; converts branch and foliage that would have remained and ministered to its own beauty, into blossom and fruit that fall off and minister to the good of others. Trees in the wilderness did not receive a regular supply of water throughout the year. The great object for which the all-wise Creator established the vegetable kingdom evidently is, that the plant might stand on the surface of the earth, between the animal and mineral creations, and organise portions of the former for the sustenance of the latter. But those who trust in God and in His Word will prosper. They, as He, come not to be ministered unto, but to minister and to give their life for others.4. First, notice that this man is like a tree, This is taking a tree out of the wilderness and planting it by. The captain shouted to him to bring back the colours; but the ensign replied, "Bring the men up to the colours." One condition of the development of the soul is the discipline of the will. The perfect man, woman, boy, or girl is the one who, when tempted and tried, comes off the victor. That which separated him from the mass of creation — the Divine image — he has lost. They have truly learned that first lesson of the Cross of Christ. Another very interesting branch of our subject is in regard to the habits or instincts of the trees. Psalm 1:4 - The ungodly are not so: but are like the chaff which the wind driveth away Like a Tree Planted Psalm 1:1-3 . We cannot understand the mysterious processes which pass within the soul; we can only see the outer life, the words and the actions, which are the products of the feelings engendered by grace. )The timeliness of fruitageJoseph Parker, D. D.A very practical lesson arises from these words. III. But they do, if it does surprise you, and they could no more live without breathing than could you orI. THE CHAFF. Trial. And no doubt the grim old rock would have laughed, if rocks could laugh, and would have said to the tiny little pine tree, "You insignificant little sprout, you can't grow here, for I won't let you, so you may as well not try." Like an illuminated initial letter, it presents a graphic picture of the contrast between the blessedness of the righteous and the misery of the wicked under the emblems of a fruit tree flourishing beside a river and of a handful of chaff winnowed by the wind. So then, world is not your lord; Christ is. Into their sort of speech he will not enter.II. How does one who belongs to God look like? The words of his mouth shall be established, and their influence shall be felt forever. Fruitfulness. Rather, our lives must be like that of Job’s: ", blameless, upright, fearing God and turning away from evil. What can we do? Symmetry. Some time, years ago, a little cone lodged in the crevice of that rock, and pretty soon the rains and the warm sun caused one of the little seeds in the cone to germinate and grow. THE FRUIT TREE. are those who have no fear of God and so mock Him out of their pride, because in their hearts, they are at war against God. The tongue is a little member, but how great is the happiness it may secure for the good man who uses it aright. EXEGESIS: CONTEXT: Psalm 107 has much in common with Psalms 105 and 106. You can meditate on God’s attributes, His works, His commands. And the rock hung together, and braced itself, and tried its best not to give way. Some principles are natural. You occupy the middle position. This man loves to think of what he loves. As a tree requires soil, sunlight, moisture, and space for its proper growth, so the human soul requires certain ascertainable conditions, without which growth and development are impossible. These are small openings through the outer skin of the leaf into the air chambers within, making a direct communication between the whole interior of the leaf and the air outside. This tree also is planted in a choice spot, and would therefore be planted well. Thus it tells of the stability of the righteous.2. It is reflected back upon him from everyone whom he makes happy. We should attend to these bodies of ours. Circumstances are all against them. Some belong to grace, they are revealed, such as that Jesus is God equal to the Father, and that Jesus is our Judge. For example, I have read. (Canon Liddon, D. D.)Fruit in his seasonJosiah Viney.Solomon uttered an axiom when he said, "To everything there is a season." Let us look at the picture presented.I. ◄ Psalm 1:3 ► He is like a tree planted by streams of water, yielding its fruit in season, whose leaf does not wither, and who prospers in all he does. Everybody wishes to succeed. BY RECEPTION.1. The yellowing autumnal foliage accompanies the development of the fruit. Trees are used in building, furniture, ships, and as medicine. The perfect man is important to society, to home, to national life. But they who do know cry, "Great peace have they that keep Thy law." Either of them is a misfortune so great that we can scarcely think less of it than that it is very ruining to character. All of the labels that our culture uses have little or nothing to do with the Creator of the Universe. It is not said he brings forth fruit, but "his fruit." But at last one dark night CRACK it went, and broke in two right in the middle. Not only gratitude for the past, but a cheering sense of God's favour at the present, enter into the pious emotion.2. They are the basis of truth on which the understanding must lean if man is to rise to the destined tether of his greatness. III. Hidden supplies of God's grace, like the water at the roots of the tree. A river in the East is an artery of life. Let me provide you some application here. . The yellowing autumnal foliage accompanies the development of the fruit. Palmer. What ministers life to the living tree ministers more rapid decay to the chaff. Their fruit is important. 3 He will be like a tree firmly planted by streams of water, Which yields its fruit in its season And its leaf does not wither; And in whatever he does, he prospers. We all know the effects which any indisposition of the body, even though slight, produces on external prosperity. CHRISTIANITY MUST EXPAND. And all because of the little tree, which it had thought so weak and small. 2. The life of the soul should be based upon principles. Not only gratitude for the past, but a cheering sense of God's favour at the present, enter into the pious emotion.2. (to children): —1. The life of the soul should be based upon principles. At the battle of Ahna, in the Crimean War, one of the ensigns stood his ground when the regiment retreated. You cannot see. Sermons. And here in particular, we see the sanctified desire for the Word of God. We cannot understand the mysterious processes which pass within the soul; we can only see the outer life, the words and the actions, which are the products of the feelings engendered by grace. The controlling thing in a man is his topmost love.2. There are points of similarity between human nature and vegetable growth.I. Therefore man must be checked, reproved, chastised. There are certain spiritual foundations which never can be removed. Beauty of character. "By thy words thou shalt be justified, and by thy words thou shalt be condemned." HIS EARNEST PRAYERS. these little mouths with the naked eye. refuse to practise wrongly, "way of sinners." We all know the effects which any indisposition of the body, even though slight, produces on external prosperity. 3. says about the way of the righteous. The evil passions of men may be known as we know the coming of an eclipse. He will. It must expand by love. THE CHAFF. CHRISTIANITY MUST EXPAND. At other times there are seasons of depression, almost intolerable weariness, somewhat indeed of sickness of heart, as if a great pain had fixed itself within us; at other times we know that we are not bringing forth fruit to the glory of God or for the use of man, and in such times we call ourselves cumberers of the ground, and urge our idleness against ourselves with all the force of a criminal accusation. But losing this he becomes a mere part of the creation, instead of having personal relations with the personal God. The ungodly have no individuality; they live, move, and act in the mass. 3. Your birth and death are appointed by God. Has God no other means of revealing His will but through a burning bush or a stunning shock? The great object for which the all-wise Creator established the vegetable kingdom evidently is, that the plant might stand on the surface of the earth, between the animal and mineral creations, and organise portions of the former for the sustenance of the latter. Palmer. We are not to be judged by this or that one day or season, but by the whole scope and circumference of life. I am not much at the best; but I am best when I am myself. It drew supplies from an abiding source. They have truly learned that first lesson of the Cross of Christ. And thus the awful lesson is read to us that individuals when they have sold themselves to sin and so lose the spiritual life that bound them to God come to be controlled, notwithstanding all their waywardness, by laws which apply to mere things in which there is no power to resist. For then it is best.1. And so here, we have the scoffer, whose words expose a heart that hates God. But if the good earth is too far away to be reached, it will make no effort on that side more than on the others." The mobile app Sermon Central researchers: I have written to you, '' says the apostle calls! As walking in the goodly fruits of the soul longs for more of God making... Who have only attended to physical development ; others only to intellectual development do these at... The good man by his generous use of the Lord., tried and found to be ministered,... About emptying your mind with God 's grace, like the holy child Jesus you are to the. 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