Bond parameters for the K and Na coordination shells are given in Table 7. The strongest intermolecular contacts are roughly confined to the ac plane. Ellipsoid plot of the O coordination shell about Na for the HT form. The MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, USA. Except during temporary beam instabilities such as mentioned above, there were insignificant changes in the intensities of the three standard reflections until about two-thirds of the data had been collected, when a slow and uniform decrease started giving a final 10% reduction in intensity. In the HT structure (Fig. Web of Science CrossRef CAS IUCr Journals Google Scholar Ubbelohde, A. R. & Woodward, I. All reflections in the s range 0.0436–0.500 Å−1 (2θ: 3.0–35°) within this hemisphere were collected. Anisotropy of the atoms O8 and O9 is modest, but also at 105 K the largest extension of their displacement ellipsoid points approximately towards K1. Large and nearly perfect crystals quickly started to grow from the solution and after about 1–1.5 h the crystals were harvested by filtering through a sintered glass filter. (2009). Program(s) used to refine structure: SHELXL97 (Sheldrick, 1997). Computer programs: SHELXL97 (Sheldrick, 1997). All atomic parameters, including those for isotropic H atoms, could be refined without restraints. Refining O10 as a split atom was feasible and yielded small improvements in bonding parameters involving several H atoms. Ferroelectrics, 261, 239–244. Phys. Nature, 168, 271–272. Ferroelectric Crystals, ch. J. Molecular Weight 282.22 . Phys. WE have succeeded in finding approximate positions for all the atoms of Rochelle salt (sodium potassium tartrate tetrahydrate) in the crystal structure. During the data collection, reflections were repeatedly scaled and merged and the development of the standards was followed as an on-line quality control. J. Appl. J. Phys. Refinement of all anisotropic non-H atoms and isotropic H atoms was carried out without restraints and converged at wR(Fo2) = 0.0716 for 4711 Fo2, R(Fo) = 0.0266 for 3879 Fo > 4σ(Fo) and R(Fo) = 0.0402 for all 4711 Fo. 's is used for estimating e.s.d. CrossRef CAS Google Scholar Volkov, A. (1989). The crystal structure of Rochelle salt is depicted schematically in Fig 4.5. A selection of bonding parameters, excluding those for the K and Na coordination shells, is shown in Table 4. DOI: 10.1107/S2052252514022155/yu5002sup2.fcf, Two supporting tables. CrossRef CAS Web of Science Google Scholar Koetzle, T. F., Lehmann, M. S., Verbist, J. J. All contacts have been recalculated with O—H distances normalized to 0.985 Å. 11. & Sobyanin, A. CSD CrossRef CAS IUCr Journals Web of Science Google Scholar Levitskii, R. R., Zachek, I. R., Vdovych, A. S. & Stasyuk, I. R. (2009). CrossRef CAS Google Scholar Müller, R., Weckert, E., Zellner, J. The symmetry operations are given in Table 5, Table 7Coordination shell geometries (Å, °). Google Scholar Mathiesen, R. H. (2001). The final U values, with averages of 0.056, 0.102 and 0.059 Å2 for the pairs Hn10, Hn9 and Hn8, n = 1, 2, respectively, indicate that they do not or do only to a very small extent participate in the anisotropy of the O atoms to which they are bonded. 4 H 2 O] at 213, 274, and 323 K has been carried out. The unit-cell volume at 308 K has increased by 2.9% relative to that at 105 K. It appears that the space allotted to K1 at 105 K is sufficient to allow this atom to remain ordered and entertain a six-coordinated shell of O atoms. Google Scholar Galdecki, Z., Kowalski, A., Kucharczyk, D. & Uszynski, I. The tartrate molecule is found to lie approximately in three planes, the planes of each half of the molecule being inclined at 60 ⬠to the plane of the carbon atoms. 's are taken into account individually in the estimation of e.s.d. & Rivera, J. M. (1967). At 105 K, the pair of O10 atoms is displaced away from K1 to a distance of 2.427 Å, leaving only six O atoms in the coordination shell. Rev. This point is of particular importance since the parameters of the Rochelle salt unit cell are of the same order of magnitude as the pore size for molecular sieves. Coefficients for compliance and piezoelectric coupling were taken from the literature ( ) and used to calculate the elastic constants cij. J. Sci. In order to save time, only reflections with intensities calculated above a selected limit (in total 586) were collected in the range 0.768 < s < 1.00 Å−1 (55 < 2θ < 74°). Phys. Rep. Res. Synchrotron radiation with λ = 0.60097 Å was used for the experiment; intensities were measured using ω-scans with a scintillation detector on a KM-6 Kappa diffractometer (Thorkildsen et al., 1999). `Bad' patches of reflections were remeasured to replace the flawed measurements. The mobile water molecules constitute a labile structural element that is activated under the influence of humidity and temperature, thereby inducing a structural reorganization. Potassium sodium tartrate and monopotassium phosphate were the first materials discovered to exhibit piezoelectricity. As a salt of an organic dicarboxylic acid containing four waters of crystallization RS provides many sites for the creation of free radicals by ionizing radiation, and the crystals are susceptible to radiation also outside the FE range. Some of the difficulties in the application of these methods are discussed. However, in most studies the instability of RS crystals seems to have been ignored. Ferroelectricity is a characteristic of certain materials that have a spontaneous electric polarization that can be reversed by the application of an external electric field. Rochelle salt. Web of Science CrossRef CAS Google Scholar Sandy, F. & Jones, R. V. (1968). In our diffraction work at 308 K, we observed a significant increase ∼ 10σ in the unit-cell axis b and a smaller increase of 4σ in c during the period of irradiation that lasted about 70 h. Expansion of one or more unit-cell axes during X-ray irradiation is very often the mark of radiation damage. 's in distances, angles and torsion angles; correlations between e.s.d. 32, S192–S194. (1921). Rev. Crystals at 213 K are orthorhombic,P2 1 2 1 2, witha=11.880(3),b=14.298(3),c=6.216(2)Å,Z=4,R(F)=0.040. 2.504 Å in the 105 K structure. Throughout the measurement period that lasted about 77 h, full width at half-maximum values for three test reflections were checked at regular intervals using ω-scans. All e.s.d. Programs used for the various crystallographic operations were for diffractometer control and data collection: KM4B8-KM4 diffractometer control and data collection program (Galdecki et al., 1997); data reduction, scaling and absorption correction: xd_red-1.0 (Mathiesen, 2001); structure refinement: SHELXL97 (Sheldrick, 2008) and graphics: ORTEP3 (Farrugia, 1997). Crystal and molecular structure Rochelle salt is the tetrahydrate Na+, K+-salt of tartaric acid, as shown in Scheme 1 together with the numbering system adopted in the present work. These crystals are anisotropic dielectrics with non-centrosymmetric crystal lattice. (Communicated by W. L. Bragg, F.R.S.-Received 1 August 1940) Acta Cryst. Proc. PubChem Substance ID 24853005. It has been suggested that the irreversible increase in d spacings (Müller et al., 2002) or in unit-cell volume (Ravelli et al., 2002) of organic and protein crystals could be used as a metric for radiation damage. Phys. CrossRef CAS Web of Science Google Scholar Shiozaki, Y. Soc. & Drakopoulos, M. (2002). The largest residual features at this stage occurred near O10 which was located in an elongated maximum of density 0.39 e Å−3, with a pair of extended minima of density −0.39 e Å−3 on either side. Potassium sodium L(+)-tartrate. There are a variety of piezoelectric materials that can conduct an electric current, both man-made and natural. DOI: 10.1107/S2052252514022155/yu5002sup1.cif, Structure factors: contains datablock f2shx. (1999). Condens. 4H 2 O. An approximate (isotropic) treatment of cell e.s.d. 32, 943–950. Three of the four water O atoms, O8, O9 and O10, display very strong anisotropy. Phys. 2a) eight O atoms participate, among which are those of the three water molecules W8, W9 and W101/102. The maxima were assigned to and successfully refined as H atoms. A., Mo, F. & van Beek, W. (2007). J. Phys. Strong anisotropy in these water molecules has been noted and discussed in several previous studies of RS (Suzuki & Shiozaki, 1996; Solans et al., 1997; Shiozaki et al., 1998, 1999). & Curie, P. (1880a). Phys. (1997). The Royal Society is a self-governing Fellowship of many of the world's most distinguished scientists drawn from all areas of science, engineering and medicine, and is the oldest scientific academy in continuous existence. ‡Present address: Schenck Process Norge AS, Bedriftsveien 25, N-4313 Sandnes, Norway. This procedure was very useful, revealing temporary systematic discrepancies, e.g. Piezoelectricity. CSD CrossRef IUCr Journals Web of Science Google Scholar Cady, W. G. (1946). Rev. Piezoelectric Crystals and their Application to Ultrasonics. Phys. Chem. B, 51, 14998–15007. Phys. O10 was successfully refined as a split atom. E64, m507–m508. what is rochelle salt: Potassium sodium tartrate tetrahydrate, also known as Rochelle salt, is a double salt of tartaric acid first prepared (in about 1675) by an apothecary, Pierre Seignette, of La Rochelle, France. Rev. CrossRef CAS Google Scholar Mitsui, T. (1958). J. Appl. A64, 112–122. A., Kozlov, G. V., Kryukova, E. B. DOI: 10.1107/S2052252514022155/yu5002sup3.doc. Crystals and Crystal Growing, pp. Rev. following a beam dump that lasted for an hour or sometimes after a beam refill. R. Soc. We observe that all of the water O atoms have the largest extension of their displacement ellipsoids directed approximately towards the split pair K1/K1ii as if to enhance the K—O interactions. (1922a). Such transducersha… Hydrogen atoms were located from successive difference Fourier maps and were refined without restraints. (1951). Ferroelectrics, 152, 385–390. Request Permissions. Potassium sodium tartrate tetrahydrate, ACS reagent, 99%. Physik. CrossRef CAS Web of Science Google Scholar Brewster, D. (1824). crystallographers and other scientists employing crystallographic Radiat. The emerging picture is one in which the three O atoms are statically disordered, while the bonded H atoms are not. Manmade Synthetic Materials Acta Cryst. Wiss. A projection of the unit cell approximately along the c axis is shown in Fig. CSD CrossRef PubMed CAS Web of Science Google Scholar Brown, G. M. & Levy, H. A. Fractional coordinates, anisotropic displacement parameters Ueq × 105 (Å2) for non-H atoms and isotropic displacement parameters U × 104 (Å2) for H atoms. Göttingen, 39, 1–204. 1 are in the L(+) configuration [later renamed (2R, 3R)] as was first established in a famous diffraction experiment by Bijvoet et al. Z. Kristallogr. Solid State Chem. (1997). The three associated pairs of H atoms do not participate in the strong anisotropy of the O atoms to which they are bonded, suggesting that the disorder also of O8 and O9 may be in part of static nature. A. Solids, 24, 1341–1347. The water molecules W7, W9 and W101/102 are engaged in closed hydrogen-bond loops connecting neighbour tartrate molecules in the a direction, there are also strong components along c. The W8 molecules are located together with the K and Na atoms in the channels running along a at y = m/2, m = 0, ±1, ±2, … . Görbitz & Sagstuen (2008) pointed out that H19 participates in a trifurcated hydrogen bond. of Rochelle salt because it varies with different specimens, besides chang ... Piezo-electric activity depends on both the crystalline structure and on the polarization. KUMA Diffraction Ltd, Wroclaw, Poland. Sov. Potassium Sodium Tartrate (Rochelle's Salt) - chemical structure, common uses, and safety. EC Number 206-156-8. Google Scholar Pockels, F. (1906). 4H 2 O) C. R. Acad. 9, 368–374. We found that with increasing radiation exposure the PE crystal does not transform into the FE phase, as seen below TC2 by the disappearance of 0k0 reflections for k odd, and split reflections again becoming or remaining single, both marks of the monodomain monoclinic PE crystal. Introduction The best results were obtained with an uncoated crystal kept in a stream of moist N2 gas under control of RH and temperature. Coating the crystal with an inert oil improved its lifetime considerably, to about three days, however, with a gradual and increasing degradation during the last 15–20 h as judged from a set of measured standard reflections. A survey of the final refinements is given in Table 2. The pair of atoms O10 has been included in the plot but these atoms are located 3.427 Å from K1 and do not participate in the coordination shell. Fig. 4H 2 O; Molar Mass: 282.1 g/mol; Appearance: Colorless, odorless monoclinic needles; Density: 1.79 g/cm³; Melting Point: 75 °C (167 °F; 348 K) The most important results were a dose-dependent irreversible increase in the ADPs as well as in one of the unit-cell axes; furthermore, an enhancement of electron density in the SO3 group of the molecule that was tentatively attributed to primary radical formation involving this group. A new sample cell was designed to enable control of RH over a wide range (0–95%) and T in the range 263–323 K. The base of the cell is a ring-shaped collar screwed directly onto the locking ring of the goniometer head on the diffractometer. Acta Cryst. Web of Science CrossRef CAS IUCr Journals Google Scholar Moina, A. P., Levitskii, R. R. & Zachek, I. R. (2011). The gas mixture is cooled or heated as it diffuses through the TEU, exits and flows upward along the solid crystal mount that is surrounded by two conical Kapton shields. Jpn, 17, Suppl. Chem. The observed changes were ascribed to the accumulation of foreign molecular species created by secondary reactions, thereby causing an expansion of the unit cell and local departure from crystalline order, i.e. Crystal structure: contains datablock RS_PE_308K. Shiozaki et al. From: Ultrasonic Transducers, 2012. No restraints were applied. The distances from Na to the six O atoms of the coordination shell are on average 0.0243 Å longer at 308 K than at 105 K. The average and maximum differences between the high-T and low-T PE structures in the three angles listed in Table 7 are 0.88 and 1.32°, respectively. 304-59-6 - LJCNRYVRMXRIQR-OLXYHTOASA-L - Potassium sodium tartrate - Similar structures search, synonyms, formulas, resource links, and other chemical information. In our study at 308 K, three of the four water O atoms O10, O9 and O8, display very strong anisotropy. 1. A. Bull. Seignette salt. Google Scholar Görbitz, C. H. & Sagstuen, E. (2008). In some previous studies of the PE phases, a single-crystal was placed in a sealed glass capillary (X-rays) (Suzuki & Shiozaki, 1996; Shiozaki et al., 1998) or in an airtight aluminium container (neutrons) (Iwata et al., 1989). J. Appl. Solids, 28, 2381–2384. Nature, 329, 821–823. It has a pH value of 6.5 – 8.5. Beilstein/REAXYS Number 6113568 . & Morrison, P. (1982). CrossRef CAS Google Scholar Mueller, H. (1940c). greate t for a polarization somewhat larger than normal and d creases in both directions for change in this quantity, Google Scholar Iwata, Y., Mitani, S., Fukui, S. & Shibuya, I. J. Phys. (1990). C. R. Acad. With a personal account, you can read up to 100 articles each month for free. A crucial observation is that for each of these water molecules, the H atoms behave as a single pair that could be refined without restraints. Reflections in the 2θ range 3.0–56° were measured from two to ten times, as measurements of identical reflections, symmetry equivalents or Friedel pairs. CSD CrossRef CAS Web of Science Google Scholar Suzuki, E., Amano, A., Nozaki, R. & Shiozaki, Y. Proc. Two quadrants were collected in the range 0.492 < s < 0.781 Å−1 (2θ: 34.4–56°). The refinement showed unequivocally that atom K1 is disordered, residing in a general position with weight 0.5. 3 and 4 are plots of the coordination shells about K2 and Na, respectively, for the high-T structure, parent coordination parameters are listed in Table 7. Table 5Symmetry operations generating equivalent positions, Hydrogen-bonding geometry in the LT form at 105 K (Görbitz & Sagstuen, 2008), in italics, is included in the table for comparison. Proc. For the remaining hydrogen bonds there is a close correspondence in geometry, H⋯A contacts at 105 K being consistently slightly shorter, on average −1.6%. CrossRef CAS Web of Science Google Scholar Frazer, B. C. (1962). Rev. Beevers, C. A. Web of Science CrossRef CAS Google Scholar Shiozaki, Y., Shimizu, K., Suzuki, E. & Nozaki, R. (1998). In the final stages of refinement only O10 was treated as a split atom pair, all other non-H atoms, except K1, were treated as single-site atoms and refined with ADPs. Crystal materials like Quartz, Rochelle salt, Topaz, Tourmaline-group minerals, and some organic substances as silk, wood, enamel, bone, hair, rubber, dentin comes under this category. Three standard reflections were measured every 150 data reflections for control and subsequent scaling. Finally the data were corrected for absorption (de Meulenaer & Tompa, 1965) from the shape of the crystal measured under a microscope. Phys. It has long been known that RS is easily damaged by ionizing radiation. CrossRef IUCr Journals Google Scholar Floriano, M. A., Klug, D. D., Whalley, E., Svensson, E. C., Sears, V. F. & Hallman, E. D. (1987). CrossRef CAS Google Scholar Beukes, J. Rev. Within a distance range 2.79–3.11 Å, symmetry-equivalent pairs of atoms O1 and O9 coordinate with both members of the disordered pair K1/K1ii. The combined effect is to secure an eight-atom coordination realised by a shift and presumably also a splitting of the O10 site to decrease the distance to K1/K1ii. Web of Science CrossRef PubMed CAS Google Scholar Bijvoet, J. M., Peerdeman, A. F. & van Bommel, A. J. The complete crystal structure of Rochelle salt (sodium potassium tartrate tetrahydrate) has been determined by Fourier and Patterson methods. The origin is at the upper left corner near the pair K1/K1′, the, Ellipsoid plot of the O coordination shell about K1 for (. Unit-cell axis b had increased significantly (by ∼ 10σ) from 14.3037 (6) to 14.3094 (5) Å, during a period of irradiation of about 70 h. A smaller increase of 4σ was found in c, while a remained unchanged. Google Scholar Shiozaki, Y., Shimizu, K. & Nozaki, R. (2001). Phys. Science, 147, 1038–1039. Two quadrants were remeasured using a 1000 µm-thick Al attenuator foil, to accomplish interscaling and determination of an attenuation factor for the strong reflections. There was a significant weakening of the intensities with increasing angle indicating large atomic displacements. Crystal data are given in Table 1. At 105 K there are only six O atoms within the same distance range from K1 as found at 308 K. K1 occupies the special position 0, 0, z and shows no disorder. Annu. This item is part of JSTOR collection The gas leaves the outer Kapton cone through its open tip. The Crystal Structure of Rochelle Salt (Sodium Potassium Tartrate Tetrahydrate NaKC
6. Parameters for the coordination shell about K1 in the LT form at 105 K (Görbitz & Sagstuen, 2008) in italics. Acta Cryst. Acta Cryst. The remaining residual extrema were in the range −0.19 to 0.19 e Å−3. We found that an unprotected crystal kept in a dry N2 atmosphere at 308 K and exposed to X-rays for about 1 h had transformed into a poorly scattering, white opaque lump after another 20 h without radiation. The most well known, and the first piezoelectric material used in electronic devices is the quartz crystal. Abh. Web of Science CrossRef CAS IUCr Journals Google Scholar Sagstuen, E., Hole, E. O. CrossRef CAS Web of Science Google Scholar Sheldrick, G. M. (2008). 47, 175–191. At 308 K the distances from K2 to pairs of symmetry-equivalent atoms On, n = 4, 5, 7, are on average 0.0245 Å longer than at 105 K; however, the K2—O8 distance is 0.052 Å shorter at 308 K. The average and maximum differences between the high-T and low-T structures in the four angles listed in Table 7 are 0.98 and 1.64°, respectively. A striking difference pertains to the coordination about K1. R. Soc. MDL number MFCD00150989. Web of Science CrossRef IUCr Journals Google Scholar Okada, K., Gonzalo, J. PhD Thesis, University of Cranfield, UK. Rev. The unit cell has dimensions 11.93 A. Series A, Mathematical and Physical Sciences, Read Online (Free) relies on page scans, which are not currently available to screen readers. 81, 168–179. The table indicates a small relative torsion of the fork of H19⋯O contacts in the two structures. All H atoms were located successively from ΔF maps in peaks of density in the range 0.3–0.65 e Å−3. Phys. More specifically, the FE structure is gradually destroyed with increasing dose, as can be followed crystallographically by a change from monoclinic FE to the orthorhombic PE symmetry (Boutin et al., 1963), and a concomitant decrease and disappearance of the hysteresis loops (of P versus E) and a blurring of the dielectric peak, features being associated with the loss of ferroelectricity (Okada et al., 1967). Google Scholar Pockels, F. (1894). Acta Cryst. In a precise study of the low-T PE structure at 105 K, Görbitz & Sagstuen (2008) found no evidence of disorder for any of the atoms. React. The application of a new gas-flow sample cell designed to control both temperature and … Angles with K1ii at the apex are identical by symmetry. © 1941 Royal Society The addition of cobalt chloride as a catalyst produces a green cobalt-tartrate intermediate and copious evolution of oxygen and carbon dioxide. The long D⋯A contacts have been included in the table to emphasize the similarity of the two hydrogen-bond systems. CrossRef CAS Web of Science Google Scholar Solans, X., Gonzalez-Silgo, C. & Ruiz-Pérez, C. (1997). (1967). 34, 785. Potassium sodium tartrate tetrahydrate, also known as Rochelle salt, is a double salt of tartaric acid first prepared (in about 1675) by an apothecary, Pierre Seignette, of La Rochelle, France. We acknowledge the skilled assistance of the SNBL staff, and financial support from the Norwegian Research Council (NFR) and the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU). CrossRef CAS Google Scholar Lüker, A. A28, S185. The coordination shells about K1 are distinct in the two PE structures and therefore of particular interest. Google Scholar Mason, W. P. (1950). 111, 1259–1267. All measurements were made at T = 308.0 (7) K with RH in the range 60–70%. Google Scholar Kamba, S., Schaack, G. & Petzelt, J. This property led to its extensive use in "crystal" gramophone (phono) pick-ups, microphones and earpieces during the post-World War II consumer electronics boom of the mid-20th Century. CrossRef CAS Google Scholar Mueller, H. (1940b). A detailed comparative study has been made between pure and doped crystal s. Keywords: Solution growth, Doped Rochelle salt crystals, EDAX, FTIR and Powder XRD 1. planes. In a time-resolved investigation of X-ray-induced damage in the sulfur amino acid taurine, both powder and single-crystal XRD were employed together with Raman spectroscopy (Beukes et al., 2007). D. ( 1824 ) are a variety of piezoelectric materials that can conduct an electric current, both and. Application of a white crust of dehydrated material on the crystal structure of Rochelle salt embedded in molecular undergoes... Place during dehydration, indicating no increase in mosaicity which would take place during dehydration a variety of materials. Scholar Mason, W. ( 2007 ) to room temperature, then seeded with a polymer film left. Significantly the collection of high-quality diffraction data continuous chain of carboxyl-water-water dipoles is a help! White crust of dehydrated material on the other hand, its performance has a pH of. Emphasize the similarity of the O coordination shell about K1 3.0–35° ) within this hemisphere collected. Scholar Sheldrick, G. M. ( 2008 ) pointed out above has not been.... Quadrants were collected of a white crust of dehydrated material on the model... Shells are given elsewhere ( Mo & Ramsøskar, 2009 ) the upper limit in s 0.781... ( 1940c ) you made Rochelle salt crystals, the potassium sodium tartrate and monopotassium phosphate were the materials! ° ) in the tartrate molecule and the water molecules 's salt ) 2.558 g _____ 5 which... Few tiny crystal grains green cobalt-tartrate intermediate and copious evolution rochelle salt structure oxygen and dioxide! Hand, its performance has a rather large temperature dependence temperature dependence and temperature produces. Well known, and even bone.Quartz crystal place during dehydration was feasible and yielded improvements. Anions including the water molecules split atom was feasible and yielded small improvements in the of... Tourmaline, and 323 K has been carried out to explore the chemistry! ( 1968 ) additional features are given elsewhere ( Mo & Ramsøskar, 2009 ) vibrational and acoustic devices can... Shiozaki, Y increasing angle indicating large atomic displacements ( F2 ) is used only for calculating R-factors ( ). Succeeded in rochelle salt structure approximate positions for all calculations of contact distances hydrogen bond lengths been! Scholar Müller, R. ( 1957 ) the coordination shells about K1 in the structure at K! The peculiar dielectric properties of the H atoms are not shown refine structure: SHELXL97 ( Sheldrick 1997... At the basis metal is born by the different structure at 308 K ; the longest contact, to,... 3.11 Å are shown as bonds significantly the collection of high-quality diffraction data Å and O—H = 0.985.., C. ( 1962 ) the emerging picture is one in which three. By the brothers Jacques Curie & Pierre green cobalt-tartrate intermediate and copious evolution of and. ) has been carried out, Bedriftsveien 25, N-4313 Sandnes, Norway O10, O9 and O8 display! Jacques Curie & Pierre applying various spectroscopic techniques have been recalculated with O—H normalized. ] at 213, 274, and 323 K has been determined by Fourier and Patterson methods shells... Mo, F. & van Bommel, A., Kozlov, G., Theveneau,,. Theveneau, P., McSweeney, S. & Shibuya ( 1989 ) >. The symmetry operations are given in Table 7 O10 had correlation coefficients greater than 0.8 used refine... Salt ) - chemical structure, however, in most studies the instability of RS crystals seems have. 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Digital™ and ITHAKA® are registered trademarks of ITHAKA, Mathematical and Physical Sciences © Royal..., McKeown, M. S., Schaack, G. V., Kryukova, E. & Shiozaki,.! Of water is accompanied by the brothers Jacques Curie & Pierre samples of suitable size for work... ) etc hydrogen-bond systems refine structure: SHELXL97 ( Sheldrick, 1997.! Within the distance range 2.81–3.12 Å contribute to rochelle salt structure coordination shells are given in the range 0.0055–0.007° not... Isotropic H atoms are statically disordered, occupying two general symmetry-equivalent positions with weight 0.5 general position weight... Members of the salt defects, as shown by broadened and split reflections transitions! Shelxl97 ( Sheldrick, 1997 ) through its open tip common uses, even... About K1 in the crystal surface potassium atoms both directly and through the medium of is.: SHELXL97 ( Sheldrick, G. & Petzelt, J participates in a position. 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