This brought about the birth of Broccolinese, better known as the language spoken by the Italian- American folk. – do you know me?/do you know who I am? The Italian vocabulary makes use of the word cazzo to describe the same. There is a beautiful, airy word in Italian for this appliance called aspirapolvere. (Let’s go!) (fa ti cazzi tuoi) [FAA-tee-GAA-tee-doo-yay], fattu napiridu – I farted [FAA-too-naa-pee-REE-doo] (ho fatto napiridu), ‘ffangul’! (che cazzo fai?) Nov 7, 2015 - Explore Alanna Capriglione's board "Italian American Slang Words", followed by 355 people on Pinterest. Figurati. Putting this together in one succinct place was very fun, and I hope it is helpful. [WAAR-daa], ‘uarda la ciunca! The Italian edition appears to prolong the effects thereof by saying, meaning asshole is another crude word with which to express yourself. If you want to sound more Italian, it’s best you rather say “Perchè hai rancore nei suoi confronti?”. [seh-SEHN-taa-FAA-may], sfacimm’ – bad person (sfacimma) [SVAH-CHEEM] [svaa-CHEEM], sfogliadell’ – italian pastry (sfogliatella) [SHVOHL-ya-dell], sciaquadell’ – whore (sciacquata) [shock-wa-DELL], scumbari – disheveled (scumbari) [shkoom-baa-REE], sigilian’ – Sicilian (siciliano) [sih-jeel-YAAN], spasciad’/scasciad’ – not talking (to someone) (spacciato/spasciau) [spaa-SHAAD], spustad/spostat’ – spaced out (spostato) [spoo-STAAD], stanna mabaych – son of a b—- (mispronounced “son of a b—-“) [STAA-naa-maam-BAYCH], statagitt’!/stagitt’!/staizitt’!/staizii! alito puzzolente m. bad breath; (lit. See the following definitions: Language: a complete, independent form of verbal communication (example: modern Italian or American English), Dialect: a complete language derived from another complete language (example: Sicilian), Pidgin: an incomplete, secondary language formed impromptu by people in an area who do not speak the main language (example: Gabbagool). See more ideas about american slang words, american slang, slang words. Though not an Italian-based word, it was used frequently in the show beginning in the third season. Stevie B. [laa-SA-dih-daa], la vesa gazi – swear word [laa-VAY-zaa-gaa-ZEE], ma che cozz’u fai?! In … If … [aa-moe-NEE-nee], andosh!/andosc’ – let’s go! “Whyos” – (American slang) – the Whyos (“Why- oh’s”) were one of five of five major gangs in New York City, specifically Manhattan, in the late 19 th Century. (ma tu sei pazzo!) Saluti! [maa-KAY-kauwtz-oo-fai], ma che bell’! This word is sometimes butchered (pun intended). This will be the official hub of everything related to American Italian. Those words and phrases that are a little Italian, a little American, and a little slang. It’s the washing machine or known in “real Italian” as lavatrice. – mind your own f—ing business! – who knows? Sicily in Italian is Sicilia so S-I-C-I-L-I-A. It’s pronounced the same but it serves its purpose of calling bullshit on something or someone. People will appreciate how patient you are when you tell them this. It is based on the Italian language, but it contains a mixture of Sicilian- and Neapolitan-inspired dialect words and phrases as well as English words. – leave him alone! – where does it hurt? Though not an Italian-based word, it was used frequently in the show beginning in the third season. (how are you doing? (a fa Napoli) [faa-NAA-boe-laa], fatti gatti due!/vatoli vatoli due! Gottaà Laugh… If you grew up in an Italian American or for that matter any Italian / English speaking Immigrant family…. The Italian version hails as “È stato terribile”. It was developed and spoken in tightly-knit Italian communities and neighborhoods. Have you managed to figure this one out as yet? allocco m. a stupid person, a jerk; (lit. How Does Italian Humor Differ From American Humor? [way-goom-BAH], ufratu – your brother (il fratello/tuo fratello) [oo-FRAA-too], umbriag’/umbriacc’/umbriago – intoxicated (ubriaco) [oom-bree-YAAG], usorda – your sister (la sorella/tua sorella) [oo-SOAR-daa], vaffangul’!/baffangul’!/ – f— you! Grazie e grazie per la lettura! (andiamo) [aan-DOESH], aunda/awunda? Stronzo. – “Let’s go!” In Italy, you’ll hear the phrase andiamo! ! Adult Italian Phrases Starting with 'F' Now comes the fun part: Time to learn how to spice up your language skills with Italian colloquial expressions, shocking idioms, hard-core curses, expletives, off-color phrases, and euphemisms. Probably one of the most explosive words in Italian phonetics. It was the combination of Italy’s geography, coupled with the American social fabric, which cultured this unprecedented form throughout the 20th Century. Basta! Stonato: this must be originally from STONED, whose sound suggested the Italian STONATO, meaning tone deaf, and more precisely someone who sings off key = the mixture of the two indicates someone who's not totally there. [maa-ROAWN-aa-MEE-uh], menzamenz – half and half (mezza mezza) [mehnz-AA-mehnz], mezzamort’ – half-dead (mezzo morto) [METZA-moart], mortadell’ – Italian sausage/loser (mortadella) [moart-aa-DELL], mortadafam’ – really hungy/starving (morta da fame) [moart-aa-daa-faam], muccatori – tissue (fazzoletto) [moo-kaa-TOE-ree], musciad – mushy (musciata/ammosciato) [moo-SHYAAD], moosh-miauw – very mushy (musciata miau) [moosh-meow], muzzarell’/muzzadell’ – Italian cheese (mozzarella) [mootz-aa-DELL], medigan’ – non-Italian american/Italian who has lost his roots (americano) [meh-dee-GAAN], napoleedan/napuletan’ – Neapolitan (napolitano) [naa-paa-lee-DAAN], numu fai shcumbari! Strangely, this word originates from "comare," which is a word for the godmother of one's child. Pecker. ): to raise an elbow. This brought about the birth of, Using the word “lit” specifically points to something that is described as being “cool”. Whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned English speaker, you’ll want to brush up on your command of American slang words! Laposta: Italians: Italian slang for lazy person with a small dick. Originally, this was simply an informal term for Aborigine, and was in fact used by Aboriginal people themselves until it started to be considered offensive in the 1950s. In the Naples area, the slang for kid is "uaglio", used in the same way. – what a shame! Italians that prefer to rather iterate this in their language will say “Questa barra è fantastica”! So for example if someone says, “thank you for the coffee” a correct response would be the Italian slang Figurati. It means a beautiful phrase to express your complete and utter disdain at something really awful. [vee-dee-kaa-CHOON-kaa], walyun/wayo/guaglion’/guaglio’ – young man (guaglione) [waal-YOON], ‘uarda/warda – look! Sameech. (ma che bella) [maa-KAY-bell], ma che quest’? love at first sight: È stato amore a prima vista! Some Italians prefer to use, A very useful phrase when you are traveling and want to speak to an Italian-American. (awundi?) – Literally means “what two balls” but actually means “What the heck!”. – hey, man! It can also be used when you’re trying to be nice but really want to scream at someone. allocco m. a stupid person, a jerk; (lit. Stronzo meaning asshole is another crude word with which to express yourself. Hi - I've been trying to find some sort of spelling for an American - Italian slang / pidgin phrase meaning something like 'I got nothin' Sounded to me like gotza basile growing up, but I can't locate a clue :-) Mille grazie. Just like in English, you can use it … ; Note: Popularized in the 1970s by The Godfather character Santino Corleone, biangolin’ – bleach (bianco lino) [byaan-GO-leen], bicciuridu – my little boy/my little baby (piccolo bambino) [BEECH-oo-REE-doo], bisgott’ – cookie (biscotti) [beesh-GAWT], boombots – nickname for an idiot (u’ pazzo); Note: As in “Vinnie Boombots” [boom-BAATS], boxugeddu – box (box per oggetti) [baax-oo-JED-oo], braggiol’ – meat and sauce/male anatomy (bracciole) [BRAAJH-oel], brosciutt’/prosciutt’ – italian ham (prosciutto) [BRAAJH-oot]/[PRAAJH-oot], buttagots/butta’ gazz’ – annoying idiot (buttana u’ cazzo) [boo-taa-GAATS], buttann’/puttann’ – b_tch/whore (putanna); Note: more mild than “sciaquadell” [boo-TAAN], calabres’ – Calabrian (calabrese); Note: can refer to people, objects, customs, etc. The spellings in this dictionary are somewhat arbitrary because these words do not truly belong to English or Italian; they are hybrid creations. Profanity has firmly solidified its place amongst some “necessary” and sassy Italian sayings these, include: Vaffanculo! If you can’t eat them or yell them, foreign words don’t often stick around. The latter seems to have a little bit of more genteel politeness attached to it. 5/2/2019 12:31:59 am. It’s a great place to start when you want to express your irritation, but you don’t want to make a production of it. The Italians use a shorter, more informal version –, The departing phrase to learn can only be. If a word has unknown origins or a pronunciation that is difficult to spell in the Italian language, I will spell it phonetically using English as a guide. (vai a fare in culo) [VAA-faan-GOOL], vagaboom/vagabuma – vagabond (vagabonda) [vaa-gaa-BOOM], vangopp’ – go up/go upstairs (fa in coppa) [vaan-GOAP], veni ca/vieni qua – come (over) here (vieni qui) [veh-nee-KAA], vedi caciunca/vidi cachunka! No, you are not sharing a juicy piece of New York strip here! “Gabbagul-Italian,” or “Goombah Italian,” is an Italian-American dialect developed in the early 20th century by Italian immigrants settling in American cities. A: Quando ho incontrato Gianni, era amore a prima vista. A derivative of the proper word of a Southern Italian cheese is, in fact, mozzarella, as spoken by the strict Italians. Tax evasion conviction or not, who does not like a bit of Al Capone ‘twak? Words every paesano and Bacciagaloop has heard, words we hear throughout our Little Italy neighborhoods of New York and New Jersey. amore a prima vista exp. – how’s it going? The description alone should have given it away. Some phrases and words deemed as essentials have been in circulation on the tongues of many, for several years. meaning “Do you understand” is best described, using the vision of the Italian-American Madre, who has already taken off her slipper to give you some of the “treatment” for misbehaving, add a few octaves and choice words, and you get the picture. The correct word to use for this delicious dry-cured ham is Prosciutto. a lot. – I can’t believe it! The Italian people are well-known for sharing their passion through hand gestures, amazing food, and music. (a fa Napoli!) Although Italian-American slang exists as a single sociolinguistic concept, its development stems from a series of collective factors. Naturally, the true Italian word is kind enough to break it down into. Part of learning a new language is being able to communicate what you are feeling in your new tongue—including the times you are frustrated. The next article in our series on slang in foreign languages is all about Italian slang expressions and Italian idioms. Categorized in Italian and Italian American Slang – what is this? Mettersi insieme. However, in the North of … Naturally, the true Italian word is kind enough to break it down into stronzo (masculine) and stronza (feminine). Another interesting fact about this phrase, in particular – it has been adopted in the Afrikaans vocabulary (one of the 11 official languages of South Africa). The description alone should have given it away. Italian-American Slang Speak slang to me, Paesano. Using the word “lit” specifically points to something that is described as being “cool”. It was love at first sight! ): an accident. Capeesh meaning “Do you understand” is best described, using the vision of the Italian-American Madre, who has already taken off her slipper to give you some of the “treatment” for misbehaving, add a few octaves and choice words, and you get the picture. Italian-American slang for heartburn but it can also mean mental aggravation. ): stinking breath. OOO Chooch is an example of what we are calling an Italian American Slang word Actually many of them were simply words that had been bastardized in the transition from Italian or from a particular Italian dialect into English. Imagine an angry Italian who squints their eyes to look like James Franco, uttering “Questo è sufficiente”! Katzenfresser: Italians: German slur meaning "cat eater". Italians that prefer to rather iterate this in their language will say, No, you are not sharing a juicy piece of New York strip here! (stai zitto) [stah-tuh-JEET], stendinz – intestines/guts (inglese: intestines) [stehn-DEENZ], stugots/stugats – f___ it (questo cazzo/questu cazzu/’stu cazzu) [stoo-GAATS], struppiau – extremely dimwitted (stupido) [stroo-pee-YAOW], stuppiau – very dimwitted (stupido) [stoo-pee-YAOW], stuppiad – dimwitted (stupido) [stoo-PEE-yaad], suprasa/suprasad – type of salami (soppressata) [soo-praa-SAAD], ti voglio ben’assai – I love you so much (ti voglio bene) [tee-VOAL-yo-TROAP-aa-SAI], un ada oda – another time (un altra volta/un altra ora) [oon-AA-daa-O-daa], ue, goombah! alito puzzolente m. bad breath; (lit. (sei senti fame?) It has been shaped and molded into a vocabulary that was more suitable for taking occupation in their new country of residence. However, in this case, the Italian-American use of the word “carro” actually refers to a regular “car” (or “automobile” in Italian). Break it down into for the coffee ” a correct response would be the Italian language modernized! 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